Chapter Nineteen

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           Why had he brought her here? Ginelle wondered as she stared angrily at Dorian from across the cabin. She was hurt and hiding her emotions proved to be difficult in that moment. She had listened keenly into their conversation and Dorian had immediately made plans to leave for sea once again, without a single thought to her.

            “You plan to leave so soon?” she asked through clenched teeth.

            “I have business to tend too.”

            Ginelle narrowed her eyes suddenly vexed at his nonchalant manner for he didn’t realize how desperately she yearned for him to remain home, for fear that something terrible would happen to the man she loved.

            “Who is this man that you seek?”

            He straightened his back and crossed the room to stand over a desk piled with maps. “He’s a wanted man.” He said as he sifted through the papers, “He took the lives of many of my men and for that I seek justice.”

            Ginelle moved to stand behind him, “You do not have that sort of authority. Why not allow London officials bring this man down?”

            Dorian spun about and Ginelle took a startled step back, surprised to find his face drawn with anger. “London officials have done little to nothing to see that this man is brought to justice. Therefore I will take matters into my own hands. I have been tracking him for some time now and am well aware of his methods. He will be brought down by my hand.”

            She curled her hands into fists at her sides, wanting to vent out her frustration and the words that jammed tight into her throat. How could she tell him that she feared she would lose him? She felt the words surfacing in her throat but stalled as she attempted to declare her love.

            He was angry and bent on vengeance. She doubted he would proclaim what she so painfully yearned to hear.

            She lifted her chin and hardened her stare, “What reason did you have for bringing me down here, to this part of town?”

            His body bespoke his simmering rage and she sought for a smidge of the gentle, tender man who had made passionate love to her just the previous night but was disappointed to see that his coldness had returned.

            His sharp blue eyes settled on her face as he said, “I brought you along because I enjoy your company.” His voice was cold and did little to sedate her anger.

            She would not ask him to stay. She knew his business was important to him and it would be selfish of her to make such a demand, yet at the same time, she was furious that he would risk his life all for a vendetta. She was terrified that she would lose the one stable thing in her life, the man whom she’d given her heart too.


            Victoria stood aside from the lively crowd, her eyes grazing the many suitors passing her by, some blatantly admiring her with open interest. She felt a grin tug at the corners of her mouth as she lifted her chin, boldly meeting each intrigued stare.

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