Time Always reveals.

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I'm YorkshirePerrie. All credits go to Happinessintime for she is the person who wrote this book. I'll try to update weekly so it can be open to fully read for everyone soon.


July 15th, 2013

Harry POV

My hands came so close to wrapping around his neck and ending whatever misery I have been in. My mind didn't think about the repercussions of it all, only that I wanted him gone. I wanted to hurt him for hurting me, but mostly for hurting the only person I have ever loved.

"You fucking asshole!" I scream as I feel someone from behind yank me back. Struggling with all my might to reach out and kill the bastard who ruined my life. "How could you?" I yelled again.

"Harry calm down." The bastard himself says in a calm tone that makes me sneer with disgust.

"Calm down? You really think after what I just heard I can fucking calm down?" My breathing is so hard and shallow as my face turns red with anger. "You forced a contract on him? YOU broke us up?!"

I feel arms and hands all around my body trying to hold me back as Greg merely shrugs it all off with a sadistic smile. "It was for your own good and for the better of the company." he says.

"The company?! That had nothing to do with the company! We were happy! In love! And you ripped it all away!" I yell back with force.

"You didn't possibly think we could let two young boys in a boy band who were on the rise of becoming the worlds most famous celebrities come out as gay did you?" He spits the word 'gay' out as if it's a disease. I yank my arms out of the grasp that's on them and lurch forward. Only then do I see Paul step in the middle, blocking me from Greg and looking at me with a sad look.

"Harry you know this won't solve anything.." Paul whispers quietly to me. "Just take a few deep breaths and let's focus on the most important thing right now, ok?" He says in such a calm tone I find the anger radiating off of me slowly start to simmer. Its then through the quiet I can still hear Louis crying and sniffling behind me.

I give a curt nod to Paul before turning around and seeing the other boys behind me looking scared and hurt. Not hurt from me but feeling it for me. We always tended to feel what the others in the group felt. That's just how we worked together, how we could help each other out. I guess I wasn't as in tune as I thought since I believed Louis for so long.


My amazing, sweet, loving Louis.

The boys step aside and I look back to the laptop seeing him with his hands over his face trying desperately to calm down. Shaking my head I look back at Greg and every piece of filth in this room that had anything to do with this.

"You really think this is for our own good?" I croak out pointing a shaky finger to Louis.

"Harry." I hear my name whispered and it's not from anyone in the room. My head snaps back to look at Louis and my steps are quick to kneel down in front of the screen.

"I loved him so much you know..." He says and I feel the air whoosh out of my body as he uses past tense. Loved. "We were so happy and everything was perfect... I had never stopped smiling or just generally being happy while I was with him but.. That day everything came crashing down.. I felt like my life had stopped while everything and everyone around me just kept moving on.. But there I stood alone and having a task of breaking my boyfriends heart and my own.."

I hear myself give out a soft whimper as the memories of the tale he's getting ready to share come crashing back to me. I always try to keep that day out of my mind because I don't want to relive that moment ever again.

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