S E V E N | A Chance

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{Pic of Sketch. Edited}

Song: Please Don't Go

Artist (s): Joel Adams

Mortal Body. Timeless Soul.


His touch. It said something but I can't figure it out. When the Alpha touched me I felt something other than pain. Just slightly. It was nothing big. Yet, I'm still thinking about his touch.

"You coming?" Alec asked from the door. We were heading to the Pack ground to watch the given punishment. Everyone had to be there. I nodded my head  before following behind Alec towards the grounds. I really didn't want to watch this. It was so harsh. I'm pretty sure they would have backed off with a warning; but no, they're getting whipped.

The place was filled to the brim. The three guys stood in the centre. Cole, Aiden and Josh, I learned their names were. Chance stood strictly in-front of them talking to them. I couldn't hear from back here. The area was buzzing with whisper which suddenly disappeared in a micro-second. 

The Alpha was here.

Alpha Asher walked through the path which was automatically created for him. He walked right past me and I caught a whiff of his smell. It's very hard to describe. It's like the fresh air you smell just after it rains. Petrichor. He was a few feet in-front of me but he froze before walked backwards until he was directly in-front of me. I gulped. What have I done now?

He griped my arm pulling me out from the crowd, as I reflex I grabbed Alec's, tagging him along. He released me once we got to the centre. He walked towards a stand which held a whip, picking it up and throwing it at my feet. He looked at me and I knew what he wanted me to do.

"No" I replied harshly. Gasps. That's all I heard. Guess they weren't used to anyone saying 'no'  to their Alpha. Hell would freeze over before I whipped anyone of them. Even if I did want to, I didn't have the guts to. Alpha looked at me stepping forward, raising his eyebrows in challenge.

"No" I repeated taking a step forward too. I have self-respect and he could eat a dick if he can't take that. He growled taking another step forward but before he could reach me, Alec stepped in-front of me. The Alpha growled louder at the challenge.

"Alec, step away" I said to him. I wasn't going to give him the chance to make me feel guilty if he got hurt.

"It is my job to protect you, and I'm doing just that" he growled looking at me.I looked at the Alpha and see his expression hinting respect but it quickly changed once he saw me. He was seething. I knew Alec wouldn't last in front of the Alpha. I wasn't going to let him get hurt just because I didn't want to do as asked. I was a higher rank to Alec. I could command him. I have never used my Beta voice. Ever. Guess there's always a first time to everything.

"Alec. Step away." I used my Beta voice. Everyone on the ground bowed their heads and Alec whipped around towards me with one thing clouding his face. Hurt.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Alec looked down clenching his fists before stepping away. Not too far though.

"Alpha, how about you just punish them?" Chance spoke up going to stand next to the Alpha. He growled stepping forward until he was in-front of me. We locked eyes and I glared while he just stared. I wasn't going to look away first or blink. He was trying to show dominance and control. I wasn't going to let him win. The air was tense. Very tense. We stood there for around a solid minute before my eyes starting watering. I crossed my arms raising my eyebrows when I saw his one side of his lip turn up, just slightly. A tear slid down my eye but I just wiped it away. A few seconds later Chance sighed walking in between me and the Alpha, pushing both our faces in the opposite direction. We growled at him, but he looks unaffected. 

Alpha Raven ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora