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"Liam has a date! Liam has a date!"

I was running around the venue in Melbourne, screaming happily. I grabbed a mic and quickly connected it. "Listen everyone, Payno has a date!"

I was so happy for him and just in general because I liked Elena and I really wanted a girl hanging around with me. I heard almost everyone in this building laughing, making me grin.

I walked to where I last saw the boys and Liam was currently in the middle of a group hug from a few crew members. "Good job," Louis complimented and high fived me.

"After the show today there will only be two more shows for this tour, in Japan."

"It was really fun with you guys," I said kind of sad that it will be over but also kind of happy that I had the opportunity to hang out with those boys. I didn't really knew what I wanted to do after this tour will be over.

I still have to figure myself out for the future. I didn't had plans at all. I knew that maybe I would continue working as a technician if I had the opportunity to do it.

As the boys went on stage, the crew had like a meeting. We sat on a huge table with snacks and started talking about the shows in Japan and what plans we have after the tour.

Alec will take some time off with Mason and everyone else has no clue. Some of the crew already know that they will join the boys on their next tour again but some of us didn't.

"We still have the premiere of 'this is us' on November 11th. The boys still don't know anything about the movie but we will tell them after the tour is over so they have like a week to prepare."

"Then we also have 1D Day coming up. On November 23rd from 8pm-3am in a secret location in London."

There were a few more plans for the boys but we would have to figure the two out at first before we plan anything else. We split in two groups, one group plans 1D Day and the other group plans the premiere.

Alec, dad and all the others I hang out mostly weren't their of course since they didn't had any idea of organizing and stuff. I was in the group of organizing 1D Day.

"How many hours will we livestream?" I asked the small group of people. "I would say like six maybe?" Tony suggested. After ten minutes of arguing we decided on seven hours.

"So the boys have their new album coming up so maybe we'll have like...I don't know, a room or something where some fans can listen to the album every hour or so," someone suggested and we all thought it would be a great idea.

"Maybe in like a phone cell." We all agreed and wrote down all the ideas we had.

Good an hour later we made a run to the tour bus and repeated our routine we did every time after a concert. After that everyone got into their bunks and feel asleep, except for me.

I was in the living room area with Paul.

"Will you return for next tour?" Paul asked me curiously. "I don't know yet," I shrugged and turned the TV on. We watched Navy CIS: Cyber. I loved that show.

"Well, but you are very welcome to join us again," Paul said after a while. "I know, but I still have to figure out what I want and maybe I want to do something else and not be on tour with some band and help them get dressed and do some technical stuff," I admitted.

"I understand, you're young you still can do something else."

I nodded and smiled at Paul. He always understood me.

I'm scared because of just someone looking creepy. I actually hate horror movies because I can't sleep for days after I watch one. So that night all I did was sit on the couch in the living area with the lights on since Paul went to sleep.

At around 3am I heard something shuffle and a light thud. I covered myself in the blanket and crawled to the corner of the couch. Whatever that was, it was creepy.

My breathing quickened but before I could scream, Niall walked casually to the little kitchen which was connected to this living area. I stared at him to be sure that it really was him.

He turned around and let out a scream before he started laughing.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me. What are you doing at 3am all alone here?" Niall asked as he sat next to me with a glass of water. "I can't sleep, I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I watched CSI with Paul and it was kinda scary so I stayed here," I explained in a low voice. "I'll stay with you," Niall said and made himself comfortable next to me.

"You don't have to."

"Yes, I do. I can't let my best friend alone, can I?"

"And we just arrived at the airport so we had to wake up anyways," he added. I looked outside and saw that we were driving through a gate at the Airport.

"Why did we drive so long anyways?" I asked Niall since usually we would arrive at an airport in just an hour or less but this drive took us four hours.

"The airport where we would've actually go to got evacuated so we had to drive to this one instead," Niall explained with a yawn.

Soon the bus stopped and Paul came into the living area also to get a glass of water. "what are you two doing here?" Paul looked at Niall & I surprised.

"I got scared and stayed here the whole time. Niall came a few minutes ago and joined me since we would have to get into the plane now anyways."

"That's true, go wake the others," Paul instructed and so Niall & I walked to the bunks and shook the boys awake. I planted a kiss on Harry's lips and shook his shoulders, gently.

"Wake up babe," I whispered into his ear before I planted another kiss on his cheek. Harry did some weird noises, making me laugh. "Get up you lazy ass!" I said louder and bit his earlobe.

Harry got up quicker then expected and accidentally hit his head with mine. I groaned in pain as well did Harry. "I'm so sorry," Harry apologized quickly as he got out of his bunk.

"It's fine, now c'mon everyone is already in the plane," I said and took his hand before we left the bus and safely got into the plane. Off to Japan we go.


On Tour with ONE DIRECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now