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A New Dawn

His first reaction was surprise.

Unfortunately for me, he recovered quickly.

As i leaped, he ducked and i sailed over his head, my jaws snapping on thin air where his neck would have been seconds before. I landed on my paws, but the impact of landing unbalanced me and i rolled to the side, just in time to miss a swipe from Blake's outstretched claws.

I rushed to get back on my paws, and jumped back to avoid another attack from Blake. However, i did not move quick enough and the blow caught my shoulder.

Instead of dwelling on the searing pain, i used it to my advantage. He had expected me to stumble back because of the force of the blow, but instead, i threw all of my weight forwards, colliding with Blake and wrestling him to the ground. I was on top of him and as he writhed beneath me in an attempt to break my grasp, i got in sharp bites and deep scratches all down his chest and belly.

His paws battered me fiercely, but my wolf would not give in so easily. I was not in control here. My wolf was.

Clouds covered the moon, obscuring the only natural light we had, and the battlefield was suddenly bathed in the pitch black of the night. We were wolves, so our eyes adjusted quickly, but Blake still had a hard time seeing me. My fur was as black as our surroundings, and if i stood perfectly still, his eyes would pass over me as he looked for where i was.

That was when i realised something crucial.

Blake had poor vision.

The multiple old scars he had slicing along his face slashed across his eyes, and at some point, they must have taken a toll on his vision. I decided to use this to my advantage.

Some of Damien's training briefly came to mind.
Remember, no matter who your opponent is, no matter how much you hate them, when you fight, never pray on another wolf's weakness, for example, you would not attack a blind wolf, would you?

Damien was right, it wasn't fair to attack a blind wolf.

But Blake wasn't fully blind.

With my conscience cleared, i returned to the battle.

I crouched, i could feel all of my muscles tensing, ready to spring. I just needed the right moment. Blake was spinning wildly, trying to find me, squinting into the blackness. I waited till his back was turned to me, and pounced.

I landed squarely on his back and bit down hard on the back of his neck, fastening my claws into his sides. He snarled, enraged that i had out-witted him, and flung himself onto his back. I was beneath him now, his huge weight pressing down on me, effecting my ability to breath, but my hold on his neck did not slacken.

He growled again and twisted himself over, crushing me beneath him again. My lungs literally felt as though they were about to burst, and black dots clouded my vision from lack of air and blood loss. Blake ripped himself from my grasp and, keeping me pinned to the floor, he turned so that he was facing me. He stood now, a paw on my throat and another on my belly, snarling down at me. I could feel his claws slowly sinking deeper into the soft flesh of my throat, my blood oozing from my wounds that for some reason, were not healing as quickly as they should. I felt as though i had no energy left and my attempts to get Blake off me were getting weaker and weaker.

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