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I used to live in a very haunted house prior to moving to my current home. When we were having our house built, the entire neighbourhood was empty with a few houses still in construction. The only other people living with us in our entire neighbourhood at the time were our next door neighbours. During the first few months of construction my family felt strange. There were huge amounts of ravens that would just sit on the houses that were in construction. Everywhere there were ravens and they almost looked like a black cloud every time they took flight. There were no other animals around except a couple rabbits and the huge group of ravens. No stray cats, no wandering dogs, nothing. After some time these ravens kind of disappeared.
Over time we noticed that some strange paranormal activity started to pick up. We started getting strange feelings and started to experience similar phenomena from our old house. So my mom, sister and I decided to do a cleanse by going out back on the porch to pray and light a candle. It was night time so only whatever the candle illuminated could be seen. While my mother was praying to banish any negative energy we hear a strange noise. There was this strange loud meowing that was surrounding us. The meowing got louder and louder. Suddenly a grey cat appeared and it left us feeling worse than how we felt about the ravens!
After the grey cat we kinda moved on and tried not to make anything of it. Inside the house I started to see cats out the corner of my eye. My family didn't have cats so why was I seeing them in the house? After a while the grey cat started to regularly come to our house to be fed...Then came along a white cat, then a yellow one, then a black one ( who only comes at night, disappears by day and only answers to "Noche"), then a calico. We ended up bringing in and keeping twelve kittens from the gray cat (who is now spayed). The yellow cat disappeared. The weirdest one of the bunch is Noche. Noche only appears at night.
My sister and I do a morning walk that starts before sunrise. So while we walk in the morning it is still pitch black outside. Noche will follow us around the neighborhood as we walk. The moment the sun comes up he will literally vanish. As soon as the sun goes down all I have to do is call "Noche" and he comes running from the darkest parts of the yard. The first time I met him, I called him that and he responded to it since that very first time. All my indoor cats who I call by name don't even respond or follow me unless I have food but this cat KNOWS his name. Every night he comes to my window sill and sits by it. He will meow until I tell him goodnight. He only likes people food and detests cat food. I love the cat dearly but he is a weird one! Were the cats somehow sent to us to protect our home? I read somewhere that cats ward off evil but is it true?

Real horror stories: BASED ON TRUE INCIDENTS. (on hold till 2018)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang