My Makeover Buddies

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It turned out, the make over wasn't going to be till tomorrow, because the shops weren't open. To make up for it, a blushing Zac said we could watch make over chick flicks instead. I loved those movies, when a plump girl with glasses turned into America's next supermodel or something of the sort, I thought grinning to myself and popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

As I watched the romantic movie, I thought about heartbreak. Not the one you had when your crush turned out to be on someone else, but the kind where you made promises to each other which lingered, even after the vows were broken. The kind in which you want to sleep, because at least then you can pretend, in your wildest of dreams, that you were still together. One. And it broke your heart, to wake up and realize it was over.

Suddenly, a finger brushed up my face. Accusingly, Zac stared at me showing my his finger, where a perfect drop of moisture was balanced. My cheek was wet; I couldn't believe I was crying. I gave a apologetic shrug and Zac frowned at me, before seizing in me in an iron-tight hug. I sniffled miserably into his shoulder.

"I don't think I'm moving on," I whispered into Zacs ear.

"It takes time. Especially if you were together for four years. You must have started dating him at fourteen. The first love is always the hardest," Zac informed me.

I suddenly grabbed a pillow and smacked it against Zac's head, gnashing my teeth in inhuman fury.

"And you know, Zac?" I yelled suddenly, waking up Cam who had been snoring, "You look at all these quotes and they are all like oooh... I miss who he was not who he is. Well I was with him for four years and I FREAKING MISS WHO HE IS! I DON'T CARE IF HE'S AN ARROGANT, CHEATING PIECE OF CRAP!" I shrieked.

Zac tackled me down so I was no longer beating the life out of our poor sofa and looked at me with pity filled eyes. I was so angry at... everyone. This sucked! This blowed more than my nice fancy hair-dryer. Everything, I thought, everything killed. And I was sick of all this- it was too tiring to move to New York with strange guys. I wanted to go home curl up on my sofa, have the dogs slide in next to me and just sleep.

"I hate everything," I muttered, "Wish 2012 would hurry up already."

"I don't," said Ace bluntly, scooting to come sit by my head.

I glowered up at his handsome face. He patted my head, thinking about something. Cam also came and joined us, taking a piece of my hair and braiding it quickly, his fingers slipping and sliding through my hair easily. I closed my eyes and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"It's just hard," I whispered, "Knowing who he's with."

"Who then?" demanded Ace, frustrated.

Ace was a law student, training to become a lawyer. Obviously he didn't have any patience, and he didn't know how to be soft and sensitve. He was being trained to be hard and to not let the witness think before they answer- straight truth. But it would take the Harry Potter crucio curse to get this out of me. The idenity of 'Her' was going to be my dirty little secret.

"I'm going to bed," I said finally, getting up, "Thanks guys."

And so I went to my bedroom. It was starting to look like home, a picture of me and my mom on the nightstand, one of my dad in his cop uniform, another of me and some friends at graduation. As I dug through my draws to find a nice clean sleeping shirt, I found my IQ certificate. Rolling my eyes at it, I shoved it aside impatiently.

Just then, Zac entered my room, holding my toothpaste for some reason.

"Why do you have my toothpaste?" I asked.

"I wanted to borrow some... hey is that your IQ?" he laughed, grabbing it before I could stop him, "How embarrasing can it be if you feel the need to hide it in a sock draw?"

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