117-You Get a death threat

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Niall- He was mad! NO! He was furious! He couldn't stand it when someone threatened to hurt his girl. His girl that he has been waiting for for a long time. His girl that was terrified by this threat. His girl that would in his sight at all times from here on out, until they found whoever sent the threat.

Liam- Even though he didn't admit it to you, he was scared. This wasn't something to just brush off... this was serious. You could get hurt. He could lose you and he wanted to make sure you are safe. The only way he know for sure is he is with you at all times... and he was always there.

Louis- At first you didn't think anything of it. You been threatened before and you just thought it would blow over, but it didn't. Louis knew what was going on but just like you, he brushed it off. It wasn't until it got personal, when you began to take it serious. The person knew things that he shouldn't know and it scared you. It scared Louis because he couldn't do anything for you. All he knew to do was make sure you were secure all the time. 

Zayn- Once he found it about it, he was upset. He felt like it was his fault that got you into this mess. Maybe if he wasn't famous you wouldn't of gotten those threats? But no matter what the first thing he did was to find this person and stop them before it got any worse. He had the cops involved, he did everything he could to find this person... and he didn't stop until he found the person.

Harry- He couldn't understand why someone would ever send a death threat to anyone, but he definitely couldn't comprehend how or why a fan would send a death threat to you. Of all people in the world a fan. Why would a fan do that to you. Why would a fan want that for him?

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