2: News, Consequences, & Harry Styles

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- Amber -

It seemed to take me ages to fall asleep last night. Seeing Harry had the worst possible effect on me. Luckily, I was eventually able to get some rest and forget about the dreadful encounter, but as the morning light poured through my bedroom window, I was awoken by the sound of someone slamming something down on my nightstand.

I jump, startled. My fragile heart had never been so frightened. I sit up, holding my hand to my chest as I refrain from cursing.

"Good morning to you, too." My manager Carol smiles at me. It's not a nice smile. It's her you're-in-hell-lot-of-trouble smile. What I did? No clue. Yet my heart felt like it wanted to beat right out of my chest. I run a hand through my messy hair and release a sigh, trying to calm myself down.

"Crap, Carol." I groan. "You scared me."

"Good." She takes the object she had slammed onto my nightstand and tosses it on my lap. "Explain this."

My eyes flicker down to what seemed to be a newspaper. Nice and bold on the front cover were eight dreaded words. "What happened between Amber Skywood and Harry Styles?" it read, the words making my eyes twitch. I read the rest in silence, taking nervous gulps as I reached the ending sentence.

"Amber Skywood and Harry Styles seem to have unpleasant history due the odd reunion we witnessed last night. Amber didn't seem too happy about seeing Styles at the party.  After we caught up with Harry after the event, he didn't hold back from spilling some juicy details. "She hates me." He told us. "Always has. Ever since grade school. I'll admit to not feeling much different. Amber will always be Amber." There it Directioners. It seems like Harry and Amber don't have good history. What do you have to say about this? Let us know below."

I push the newspaper aside, my cheeks glowing red. I don't know if it was of anger or embarrassment. Maybe both, but they sure as hell were burning red.

"Better be embarrassed." Carol snaps. "Now the world thinks you're a spoiled bitch." I twitch at her words. "You could have at least pretended to dance with Harry. You knew there were paps-"

"I didn't!" I snap back at her. "Harry's right. I hate him. I'm sorry if the world can't accept that."

Carol frowns, snatching the covers off my bed. "The world isn't the problem. The problem is your career."

"What-" I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"Get dressed. I'll be expecting you downstairs. Got loads to discuss." Without adding anything else, Carol stomps out of my room. I can almost see steam coming out from around her. That's how angry she is. Obeying instructions, I get up off my bed and head to my closet for a change of clothes.

I strip out of my pajamas and slip on a pair of jean cutoffs along with a simple, black crop top. I slide my feet into my favorite pair of tan Birkenstocks and quickly go comb through my hair before heading downstairs. Being that it was a Saturday, my only plans were to go to Carly's and watch movies all day. I could care less how I looked.

"Took you long enough." Carol murmurs as I enter the kitchen. She's leaning against the counter, frowning down at that stupid old newspaper.

"It took me five minutes." I mutter hoping she didn't hear it. I didn't need to continue getting on Carol's bad side. She was like my second mother. Without her, I wouldn't be where I am today.

"What is it we need to discuss?" I question, hoping it had nothing to do with what had occurred last night. I was honestly running out of explanations.

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