Long Distance Relationship pt. 3

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You and Louis had a perfect relationship. You even still remember your happy moments with him: your first date, first kiss, and first everything.

Of course, you had sad moments but you both make up and fix it together. But this time is different. This is a moment where you know it's never gonna be fixed.

Your heart, your relationship, your trust... were all shattered to tiny pieces.

It's been a year and you did everything you can. After you found out about it, you moved out of the house where you two were living in together and lived in a small apartment for awhile until your classes are over. You bought a new phone so nobody related to him can contact you because even them had broken your trust. You stayed away from social media and anything that are possible of you seeing him. And after you graduate from college, you went away as far as possible, and got a new life.

You did everything you can but the thing is, you still can't move on. The memories with him still stayed in your heart no matter what because those can't be erased. You know that even when you decide to damage your brain and have an amnesia, the name Louis is still engraved in your broken heart. You still love him, and that's what you hate the most.

On a gloomy day in California, where you're living in now, you're on your way home from work. You're walking on the streets, but then you hear screams where you're heading to. Every walk, the screams get loud and louder. You assumed that there's a celebrity getting mobbed. Then suddenly, a celebrity popped into your mind but you really hope that it wasn't them.

You want to know what's happening but you don't want to risk squeezing within the crowd because there are possibilities that your instincts are correct so you turn around to go to another way home.

You went home safely and change into PJs. After that, you made yourself dinner and plopped down the couch and watch TV.

You are clicking through channels looking for a thing to watch but suddenly a channel caught your eye.

It is One Direction being interviewed.

You don't know why but you didn't change the channel, instead you watch it. Maybe because to your curiosity and it's been a while since you've heard a thing about them, so you thought why not watch for a bit.

They are all present on screen, and there you see Louis. He's still looking good and fresh while you, you look like a person who doesn't sleep for days. You admit, you've been a mess inside out since the 'you-both-never-talked-about-it-and-even-no-closure-but-you-probably-broke-up' break up.

And, he still makes your heart flutter.

"So, I heard you guys announced that you're having a hiatus just after your last world tour concert?" The girl interviewer asked.

They all nodded and Liam speaks, "the hiatus started actually and we're really buzzing to rest for awhile. But pretty sure we're coming back."

"It's good though, because you guys have been really busy," She says.

"It is really a good thing because we can be able to do what we want individually." Niall replies to her.

The interviewer speaks again, "Well, what kind of things you're really looking forward to do in your hiatus right now?"

"Me, probably catching some time with family and a solo career." Niall says.

"Yeah, writing and recording some songs that I'm really into." Liam seconds.

"Well, I for one might accept some offer of casting in a film and really looking forward to it." Harry declares.

"Wow, that's amazing!" She claps, "how about you Louis?"

You remained looking at him on TV and he starts to speak up, "Ehhhh, certainly going home to rest and spend time with the fam..." He pauses and breathes, "and going to fulfill the time I wasted to a loved one in particular like doing things just like the good old days."

You were stunned by his voice that you missed so much and mostly the answer he gave. You shake your head, you must not assume that he's talking about you because he's got Eleanor.

"That's really sweet," She smiles and drops the topic off, "okay before we end, there's one last question since your fans are really curious up to this point. Just raise your hands after I ask."

She then asks, "who among you as of now, are single?"

Three of them raised their hands, and you couldn't believe. Louis is one of the three.

"Louis? How's that possible?" She asks, and if you were the interviewer you'd ask too.

"Uhmmmm, this kind of thing really happens but we decided to remain as friends." Louis stated.

He doesn't look bothered, just like a year ago when he left you.

You let out a sarcastic laugh, "Typical Louis." You say.

You immediately turned off the television, not finishing the interview. You decided that you're already tired and went to bed to get some sleep.


Just another day of a normal day, you just got off from work and you're very exhausted. You're walking on the streets with 3-inch heels which you regret wearing because you forgot that you always take a 20-minute walk to your home.

And to your baddest of luck, it suddenly rains. Not just rain, but a heavy rain.

"Wow, just wow." You mumbled. You didn't bring an umbrella, so you have no choice but to lift your handbag to cover your head even though it doesn't help anymore because you're already wet.

You ran into the nearest shed, and waited for the rain to stop. You sat down, and stared into the raindrops.

You couldn't help but a memory comes into your mind, your first kiss in the rain with him. You were so happy, very happy back then.

A tear slipped from your eye.

"Dang it, (Y/N). Just forget it." You whispered to yourself but the tears don't stop. Louis has a really big impact in your life, like he stole your heart and never gave it back.

You stoop your head down, trying to wipe the uncontrollable tears. Then suddenly, you can see two feet infront of you.

"How have you been?" That familiar voice.

You were in shock when you lift your head up and there you see him holding an umbrella, smiling to you. The man that has your heart.

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