Remus and the Library

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Remus checked his calendar. Two weeks today would be the full moon.

He often felt as though his life was spent either waiting for or recovering from a full moon. He knew that it would never change. He would be a werewolf forever now, there was no way to turn back time.

He thought back to the day he was bitten. He could remember it as though it were yesterday. Those glowing eyes looking at him through his open window, the full moon above lighting up the frightening silhouette as it clambered through his window and stalked towards him.

He remembered shrinking back into his bed. Trying as hard as he could to make himself disappear under the covers. But there was nowhere to go. Nothing he could do.


Remus was broken out of his thoughts down at the dinner table.

He shook his head and blinked a couple of times before Sirius threw his hand up against Remus's forehead.

"Hmmm... No temperature?" He said, looking at James.

"Sorry... I was just..."

"Fantasizing about your little friend over there?" James laughed, nodding his head towards the Ravenclaw table, where Freya sat.

He had not seen Freya in a while. He had been avoiding the library and he wasn't sure why.

"I don't know what you guys are on about. I've talked to her once in my entire life." Remus sighed, looking around at the three pairs of eyes which were trained on him.

"We've all noticed that you haven't been to the library lately." Said Sirius, his dark grey eyes piercing Remus's.

"I was actually going to go there tonight." Remus lied. He had been avoiding the library but he would have to go now.

Remus decided that he had been avoiding the library as he did not want to become friends with Freya. He convinced himself that as she was a Ravenclaw, if he made friends with her, she would figure out what he is, and then his identity would no longer be safe.

He could not have someone else knowing that he was a werewolf.

After dinner that night, Remus trudged down to the library. His feet felt heavy and every step was incredibly difficult. He decided it was just because he was tired, and not because he was avoiding the place.

Remus finally got to the large wooden doors. He swapped his slender fingers around the cold door handle and took a deep breath.

"Are you going to open the door or...?"

He jumped and turned around. It was Freya.

"Yeah... I was just..." He mumbled.

"Let me do it." She smiled, gently brushing past him and opening the door. Her hand grazed his as she turned it and the door swung open with a creak. Remus felt tingles shoot down his arm at the foreign feeling of being touched by a girl.

Freya was a lot shorter than Remus. He was very tall for his age, whereas she was very small for hers.

Remus searched the shelves for a while before sitting down with a book, and moments later, she sat down opposite him.

He felt a little awkward, as though he should start a conversation, although they were in a library and the grumpy librarian would most likely scold him for it.

"So... How come I've never seen you before this year?" Remus asked, propping his book down in front of him.

She put a piece of paper on the page she was on and shut the spine of her book.

"I only moved here this year, I was previously home schooled." She replied.

"Home schooled? Why?"

He noticed her become a little awkward. She looked down and started playing with her sleeves.

"Sorry, that was rude of me to ask." He added, fumbling with his fingers.

"No... It's okay... My parents thought it would be best... Not sure why." She said, staring down at the table to avoid his gaze.

Remus went back to his book. He couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. 

Why would her parents think it was best for her to be home schooled?

The two sat in a comfortable silence for an hour or two, until eventually, Remus's eyes started to ache as they scanned over the words. He was tired, and although he was enjoying her company, he knew that he had to go.

"It was nice seeing you Freya." He smiled as he stood up.

Her cheeks glowed and she gave him a warm smile in response.

"You too Remus." She said, closing her book.

"Oh... Um... Don't feel that you have to leave... Because I am." Remus said quickly, tumbling over his words.

"Oh no, my eyes are getting tired now." She said, and not a moment later a small yawn escaped her lips.

"Oh okay, shall I um... Walk you to the Ravenclaw tower?" He asked awkwardly.

"Thank you." She smiled, and begun to lead the way out of the libary.

They continued in a comfortable silence all the way back to the Ravenclaw tower. When they reached the door, Freya turned to Remus.

"Well... Good night." She said, smiling up at him, her bright orbs glowing in the candlelight of the corridor.

"Good night Freya." He said, with a warm smile, before turning and walking away.

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