Chapter Twenty Two

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this chapter contains some spicy mature content so this is my warning to you ahead of time ;]


Matteo approached me slowly with a gentle smile as he reached his hand out, silently asking with his eyes for permission. I gladly intertwined our fingers, savoring the illustrious spark that radiated through my being the moment our hands touched.

He chuckled, a low rumble that rolled through his chest like a summer thunderstorm. Matteo pulled me close and enveloped me in his arms, holding me securely against his broad chest. He rested his chin atop my head for a moment while I was content to listen to his steady heartbeat.

I looked up at him and it felt like I was looking up at a skyscraper, strong and lovely. He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead and then another on the tip of my freckled nose and another and another until our lips connected. He cupped my face and held me with such tenderness I nearly melted.

I stood up on my tip toes trying to close the gap between us, I was always wanting more of him. He smiled against my lips and he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up off of the ground, spinning me once. When Matteo finally placed me down, it was not on the ground.

He laid me in the center of a luscious king sized bed, crawling playfully onto the bed through my knees and back to my lips.

Where did the bed come from?

I frowned lightly and turned away from him as I tried to figure out where we were but Matteo was quick to catch my chin lovingly in his hands and redirect my attention back to him,  "Olive, I love you." He murmured against me and this time I was smiling, suddenly the room and how we got there didn't matter to me.

Matteo made quick work of undressing me, tossing my clothes messily onto the floor as if the only thing that mattered in the words right in that moment was just the two of us. His hand splayed across my hip bone, rubbing small circles on the exposed skin. I leaned back into the softness of the bed, already writhing beneath him after the simplest of touches.

As always, Matteo's keen eyes noticed everything. He smiled knowingly down at me as he slowly lowered his face to the same spot, placing a single, featherlight kiss on my hip bone before his attention was taken elsewhere. With a devilish smile he grazed his teeth against the waistband of my underwear, taking it between his teeth and dragging it down.

I laid there now completely exposed and vulnerable, at the mercy of Matteo and I couldn't get enough of the feeling. I screamed in ecstasy and my rolls back on their own accord as Matteo's lips connected with my core.

He teased me, bringing me to the edge again and again, refusing to give me what I wanted. What I needed. His sensual tormenting was driving me wild, I groaned loudly as I felt his mouth leave me and when my eyes snapped open we were no longer in the room.

I was standing alone in a river and the water that pooled around my knees ran red with blood. I scrambled to get away but the more I struggled with the current the further it dragged me in.

I screamed as the blood red water pulled me under, the liquid flooding my mouth and lungs as I was forced underwater. I surfaced sputtering, it was hot and sticky and I realized that this wasn't water at all...


My eyes flew open and I sat up immediately, my heart was pounding and there was a bead of sweat that ran down the side of my face. I looked frantically around and realized that I was not back in the river, I laid back down with a sigh of relief as I understood that it had been a dream.

Olive the Other WerewolvesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon