Chapter 12: Overwhelmed

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Chapter 12: Overwhelmed

My Mom made an arrangement to make me stay in jail for four days.

She got me fake arrested for four days to curve my behavior, talking about how I couldn't gotten assault charges for punching that guy, for calling Brenda a stupid bitch.

But she was fucking asking for it, so when I got released from jail, having missed not only my Monday classes but my Wednesday classes too, I went straight to work with no intention of talking to anybody.

I hate Brenda more than. I ever have before, and I'd rather to bankrupt by staying in hotels than be friends with her.

When I get home from work, I have to pack because my flight to France leaves at three in the morning.

I can't wait to get away from my Mother.


When I got home, Mason and my Mom were there, but there was no sign of Brenda.

"Have a good time?" Mom calls.

I just want to sleep until I'm dead.

I grunt in response, walking into the bedroom. I start picking out clothes, getting things that are warm because it's only February.

I frown. Does it snow in Paris?

I sigh bitterly as I think about the only person aside from my professor that would know the answer to that question. I pack warm clothes anyways and fill my suitcase, putting everything I need in there before dragging myself to the kitchen.

"Make any friends?" Mom asks.

"Didn't you miss your flight?" I ask.

"No, I cancelled it. You are a fucking disgrace, Nathan. It took my three hours to talk your Dad down so he didn't come here and physically kick your ass."

I grunt in response.

"I can't fucking wait until tomorrow, when you get to France. Whatever is holding back Odeletta from you will come to the light and maybe she will talk to you."

"I wouldn't bet on it." I grumble.

I open the fridge, but my Mom reaches over and slams it shut.

"You had sex with her, Nathan."

"You told her?" I look at Mason.

"Uh...Brenda did, during your little argument in the mall."

He looks to be pissed at me, and I press my lips into a thin line, getting a glass of water.

I chug it and put my dish in the dishwasher.

"I have a week long trip to France tomorrow." I say. "So I'm going to bed."

"It's three in the afternoon." Mason says.

"Yeah, I get twelve hours of sleep on my days off." I say. "I'm burning energy."

I walk into the bedroom and shed my clothes.

We have to meet at the airport at one in the morning at the gate.

I'm sleeping while I can.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

Shoving my bitterness aside, I slam my hand down on the stop button and get out of bed, crossing the hall to shower.

It's midnight. I can hear movement in the kitchen as I get in the shower. I wash quickly and get out and shave, packing all of my last minute things into my suitcase. I brush my teeth and walk into the kitchen in a pair of jeans and no shirt. Mom is making breakfast food.

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