Chapter 29

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My hair resembles the makings of a bird's nest and my posture is less than great as we exit the plane. I feel my mood slowly go from bad to worse as I silently follow Alexander towards what I think is a rental car, the two of us being the last to leave the aircraft that landed a little over a half-hour ago. It took so long because of the football team of a family that I have, mainly Theodore who misplaced his passport that everyone spent thirty minutes looking for before he pulled it out of his back pocket.

The gravel under my feet makes these loud crunching noises which somehow can be heard despite the loud turbo engines of the metal monsters nearby. Alexander walks beside me as we make our way to the awaiting black car, which has Theodore waving his arms in the air wildly as he sticks his head out of the half-opened window.

"I apologise for my brother's behaviour," I sigh as I begin to jog to keep up with Alexander's quickened pace. "Especially Theodore."

His deep baritone chuckle startles me a little as he replies, "They excel exceptionally at the work they are assigned to do. That's all that matters to me. They get their jobs done efficiently with little to no errors. The amusement of them embarrassing themselves is just a bonus to being their boss."

Eying him curiously as we reach the car, I find myself wondering if he knows what my brothers were involved in when they were in their early twenties and early teens. The thought is immediately dismissed as I conclude that if he knew about what they did, my brothers wouldn't even be working for him.

Alexander pulls open the backseat door for me to which I give him a soft 'thank you' smile as I fold myself into the seat. Theo who had his head sticking out of the window earlier sits down next to me as Alexander exchanges some words with Adam who appeared out of nowhere before folding his rather long body into the seat next to me.

"Well, isn't this a tight ride," Theo comments as Adam straps himself into the passenger seat next to the paid driver who starts driving us in the direction of a hotel. 

I'm pretty sure his words have both a clear meaning and a dirty meaning.

"Theodore Summers if you say another word during the rest of this ride to the hotel, I will open your car door and push you out into the freeway," Adam threatens, glaring at Theo through the review mirror.

The ride goes by rather silently after Adam's hollow threat that is occasionally interrupted by yawns spread by me. With my head resting on Alexander's shoulder, I watch him through my lashes as he focuses on a tablet in front of him, flipping through what looks like PowerPoint slides as the car speeds towards our destination.

"Is that for the acquisition?"I ask quietly, looking at the proposal. "Will you be presenting that?"

"No," Alexander replies absent-mindedly. "This is the proposal from the company representatives who will be trying to convince me to buy the company."

As though he can feel my confusion, Alexander continues, "I am buying the company regardless of the presentation, it's more of a formality."

"Oh," I reply, looking over the six-figure digits and pie charts. "Interesting."

Alexander's suppressed chuckle is not lost on me and I look up at him inquisitively with my brow raised to which he tries to suppress another chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I finally ask, glaring at him now.

"You don't find business interesting," He states rather than asking. "And in an attempt to carry a conversation the most you could come up with was 'interesting' which to me is quite funny."

"I am glad you find me amusing Mr Holt, "I huff, looking back down at the tablet.

"Get some rest before we reach the hotel Ms Summers," He murmurs, pushing his hand into the bird's nest on my head, painlessly detangling the knots as he massages my scalp. "This time our conversation won't be interrupted and you'll need the energy to keep up."

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