Chapter 14

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His hand slowly crept towards me as he softly lays his hands on mine.

"Please," he begged.

I pulled my hand away from his, and put them underneath the desk. Accepting his apology would mean opening up a door for a possible abusive friendship; not accepting his apology can cause him to cause harm to other people, knowing that no one else would bother giving him a second chance.

Maybe I could change this guy. Maybe if I come into his life for just a second, I can lower any possibilities of him harming other people. I rubbed my sweat palms against my dark washed jeans before flipping the note card back around.

Grabbing my pen, I covered the note from any one else's vision and started writing.

You get one chance.

I swiftly slid the notecard back to his table. The edge of his lips curved upwards, looking at me with thankful eyes. His smile disappeared as he turned all of his attention back onto the notecard and started scribbling.

Tonight at 8, FORMAL ATTIRE.

I rose an eyebrow due to the emphasis on 'formal attire'. Personally, an apology is an apology; there's no need to fancy things up. But instead of having the effort to argue for a cheaper, casual dinner, I nodded at him before writing down Bella's address.

- - -

It quickly left my mind that Colton had confessed to me earlier today. My head was filled with so much attempts to change Landon, I almost forgot about the most important part of my friendship.

I walked down the hallway, noticing Colton's blonde hair from afar. Rubbing my palms together nervously, I approached him in the slowest, most uncomfortable way possible. With my index and middle finger, I softly tapped Colton's shoulder as he quickly reacted and turned around. A smile appeared on his lips, but in his eyes it didn't so any feelings so happiness.

"Um, about earlier," I stammered. I paused for a little before taking a deep breath, "I don-"

Before the successfully escaped my lips, Colton shook his head before slamming his locker closed, "Don't answer." He bluntly demands.

My heart skipped a beat before I grabbed his arm, "Colton," I softly said his name, almost in a whisper.

"I know you don't feel the same," Colton begins, "We're friends, we're really good friends. I'm happy for that."

I furrowed my eyebrow as I shook my head. In the moment, I knew I liked Colton. I was happy around him, I fell head over heels over his presence. And last Friday, that little moment we had on the bench was the first in years that I've felt this way towards someone. It was a feeling that couldn't further be explained; it was just a feeling. However, the feeling also had a negative side to it. Something was telling me that all could go wrong. I couldn't completely put my tongue on it, it was the feeling of love and impossibility.

"I just need time, Colton, to think," I stuttered before turning my attention towards the floor.

A moment of silence passes by as Colton still kept his eyes on me.

After a few minutes, he finally nodded understandingly as he passes me a sad smile. Although it was clear that he wasn't feeling his best, he still held out his arms motioning me for a soft hug. I walked towards him as I wrapped my arm around his waist, resting my face on his chest.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as guilt swept me off my feet.

"It's okay," he releases a small chuckle before playing with my hair, "I still love you."

I heard his heart beating against his ear, it was beating rapidly. Raising my hand, I placed it underneath my ear, feeling the pitter-patter against his skin. As I did, his heart beat started relaxing, as if it did out of comfort. I tilted my head up, staring into his sultry eyes as we exchanged soft smiles. Colton leans down and kisses the top of my forehead, sending chills all over my body. Shyly, I hid my face in his chest.

We released each other as I started swinging on my feet from heel to toe. Colton releases a chuckle as his palms reach for my head, ruffling my hair as if I was a little kid. I attempt to dodge his attack but failed miserably. I stood there accepting his will to mess up my hair, and just stared at him with a wide smile.

"Well," he finally says, "I have a meeting to go to." Colton fixes the collar on his button up shirt before walking past me. Swiftly, he spins around and points at me with finger guns as well as a laugh, "I'll catch up with you later."

I nodded as I waved him off. 

I stopped in front of my locker before staring at it in despair. Opening up this locker has always been the most difficult task in my life. Suddenly, god sent my guardian angel from above.

"Do you need help?"

Isaiah stood next to me, already dressed in his soccer uniform. His two weeks of bench was up, and today was his first game after the break. He releases a small chuckle as he gaze switches from me to my locker.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I curiously looked at him.

He didn't seem to have held a grudge at all, especially after our heartfelt argument a few days back. Isaiah rose an eyebrow at the question and innocently shook his head.

"No, why would I?"

I shrugged in response.

"I suppose, since you stomped out of my room last time."

Isaiah flashed a wide smile as if I had given him the nicest compliment of his life.

"That was only in the heat of the moment," he replied, "we're still friends."

I released a small sigh of relief.

"Saw you and the blonde over there. Are you guys a thing now?" Isaiah casually asks. It's funny how we've only know a little bit of each other, but he acts as if we were friends since second grade.

I shook my head in response without giving him a verbal answer.

"I was just asking," he shrugged.

I nodded at his useless comment before the awkward silence fills the air.

We both were standing there, casually looking at each other, other students, and maybe glimpse of the walls and floor. After what felt like forever, a light bulb popped into my mind as I remembered to why he's approached me in the first place.

"Will you help me open my locker?" I smiled in embarrassment as I felt my cheeks turning pink.

Isaiah released a small laughter before swinging his duffel bag to cross his body. He pushed the bag as it hangs around his lower back, before motioning me to enter my combination. Without a trouble, I dialed in the combination for my locker before he grabs the handle and yanks it out.

The locker was jammed so hard, that Isaiah had to nearly pull three times before the door bounces open. I shook my head in disbelief before tossing my books inside. Ruffling my hands through my messy locker, I searched for a hairband somewhere in the pencil cabinets. For minutes, I looked for the small band before feeling my fingertips brush against it. With much success, I threw my hair up in a pony tail glancing behind the door of my locker.

Isaiah was still standing there, awkwardly.

I smiled and held the door after tying my hair.

"Don't you have a game to go to?" I smoothly asked as I flipped my ponytail to the back of my head.

Isaiah jumps from his spot and releases an embarrassing laugh. He checks the watch on his wrist before bouncing on his tippy toes.

"Yeah," he trails of, "okay, bye!"

He quickly sprints out of the hallway leaving me confused as to his actions. I found his awkwardness funny, and couldn't help but to laugh at the situation. 

- - -

hi how are ya?

x apricitys

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