Chapter 5

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-Elizabeth’s POV-

“Stefan?” I asked while the tears that were in my eyes started to overflow and spill down my face. Stefan sat next to Elena with a look of pure shock on his face.

“Elizabeth?” he asked, sounding almost like he was being strangled.

I just couldn’t contain myself anymore. I ran down the aisle of desks with tears still streaming out. He managed to stand up in time for me to fling myself on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I buried my face in his neck as the sobs started coming. His arms snaked around my waist, and crushed me to him. He too buried his head on my shoulder and I could feel his tears soaking my shirt.

“Class. We have a new student. Elizabeth Salvatore.” Mr. Saltzman announced. I could feel everybody staring at us, and I heard the whispers.


“Does that mean that she’s related to Stefan?”

“I didn’t know he had any other family around here.”

I heard someone come up behind us.

“Stefan, who is this?” Elena asked, at the same time Mr. Saltzman asked, “Would you two like to continue this in the hall while I start class?” I smiled at him as I climbed down from Stefan.

“I would, if Stefan does.” I replied to Mr. Saltzman, ignoring Elena. Stefan nodded. He leaned down to Elena.

“I’ll explain at lunch.” he whispered, then I tugged him out the door. When we were out in the empty hall, I pulled him into a hug again.

“I thought you were dead.” I whispered. “I saw Father shoot you. Then he dragged me away, and then he was killed. I had to bury him, and then I wanted to bury you, but I never found your bodies. I just assumed someone else had taken you guys away and done something with you. Wait, if your alive, does that mean Dam…” I babbled.

He pulled away and looked at me.

“There is so much we need to talk about. But to answer that question, yes, Damon is alive too.” he said, interrupting my question. But I didn’t even care about him interupting. Damon was alive. The tears started anew. I had missed both of them, but Damon especially. We had been so close, and when he died, or I thought he had, I was heart broken and devastated. 

“I want to see him.” I whispered.

“After school. I’ll take you back to the boarding house and we can all catch up.” he said. I nodded and smiled. 

“I’m just so happy to see you. I’ve missed you so much!” I said, pulling him into another hug.


After History, we each went to our next class.  Turns out we had a lot of classes in common, probably something to do with Elena - I would have to get to the bottom of that.

Before lunch, I went to the bathroom. When I walked into the cafeteria, all eyes were on me. I mean, ALL of them. Every single person stopped what they were doing, and stared at me. It was kind of freaky.

I spotted Stefan, sitting with Elena, and five other teenagers at a round table. Two of them were the couple I saw earlier, the blonde chick, and the brown haired dude. There was also another brown haired guy, and blonde guy with beautiful blue eyes, and a darker skinned girl. I made my way over to them.

Stefan got up and gave me a hug, which I returned. Everybody else in the cafeteria went back to what they were doing. When he released me, he turned to the group at the table, who were all looking at me curiously. Well, except for the blonde - she was still glaring at me. What was her deal? Stefan cleared his throat.

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