Explanations: Part One

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"B...but we thought you were dead!" Severus just could not wrap his mind around what he was seeing. "W...we searched for weeks!" He took a step closer and looked in the man's eyes. "Tell me one thing that only Sal would know." Sal, or whoever he was, raised an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't a potion be more effective?" Severus gave him a glare.

"We will be using a potion to make sure of your identity later," Severus hissed. "But I need some sort of assurance before I let you free in a school full of children. Now answer the damn question!"

It was silent for a long moment. Finally, the man Severus called Sal slumped in defeat, his voice little more than a whisper as he spoke.

"After mother was killed, I used to have nightmares. In them, she would say that it was my fault she died, that I was worthless and she never loved me." He looked up and his eyes flashed red again as he met the Potions Master's gaze.

"After one particularly bad nightmare, when I was eight, you came in to comfort me. I'll never forget what you said that night." By now Severus was fighting back the tears. "You told me that she loved me with all her heart and as long as I remember that, she would never truly be gone." Sal reached through the bars and placed a cold hand on Severus's cheek.

"I never had another nightmare, at least not about her." Severus gave a watery smile and lifted his wand, muttering an incantation and the door swung open.

"Let's go to my quarters." His voice was choked with emotion.

"But professor, how will we get him there with no one seeing?" Hermione questioned softly. Severus was thoughtful for a moment before saying another incantation and Sal suddenly disappeared. Harry wildly looked around until Severus gently ran a hand through the boy's unruly hair.

"It's a disillusionment charm," he explained. "No one will be able to see him. Now, if we all miss lunch, it'll look suspicious so you five head to the Great Hall and meet me in my rooms in an hour." They all nodded and Severus let Harry down, watching as they left. He turned to where he was pretty sure Sal was.

"Let's go. When they rejoin us, you can explain what happened." He turned but froze at the other man's words.

"Where's my father?" Severus sighed but didn't turn around. This was going to be a long afternoon.

"I will explain later." They started down the corridor.


"No, Sal, I will not have this conversation when I cannot even see you." The rest of the walk was spent in silence.

An hour later, the students entered Severus's chambers, Harry leading them. Harry and Draco were the only ones who knew the password. After they were all seated, Severus called his personal House-Elf, Itsy, and ordered tea. It was silent as they waited for Itsy to return. Once they all were holding a cup, Severus turned to Sal, who took a big gulp of tea before beginning his tale.

"It was the night before my 11th birthday." Sal's hands were shaking slightly as he put the cup down so he wouldn't drop it. "I was so excited and couldn't sleep." He gave a weak chuckle as he looked over at Severus. "I think Sev had to come in three or four times to tell me to go to sleep." This time, it was Severus who laughed slightly.

"Where was your father?" Draco asked curiously.

"Out of the country on a business trip. Sev was watching me." He took a deep breath and continued. "I had finally fell asleep when a loud bang woke me up. Before I could react, someone entered my room. He was wearing a hood that covered his face. I tried to run but he stunned me and then the next thing I remember, I woke up in that cell." A tear slid down his cheek and Severus put an arm around him.

"You've been here the whole time?" Sal nodded.

"Sev, where's my father?" Severus took a deep breath.

"Sal, when you disappeared, we searched everywhere for you. Your father wouldn't sleep, he didn't eat, and then...then he..." He turned and looked directly in Sal's eyes. "Sal, your father went insane."

Author's Note:

I really tried to make this longer but I couldn't. I'm really sorry! Anyways, know who Sal is yet? I will try to put another chapter up tonight or tomorrow. No promises!

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