Chapter 21

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It was standard practice for a Captain to greet a new Overseer or Officer as they entered the ship for the first time. In Starsong's opinion, it should be a standard practice across the board with all newly-hired crew members. I agreed with his theory, but the part where I was the Captain who had this new responsibility had me internally muttering some unfortunate phrases.

Both of us knew it was just my dislike of how people reacted when they realized that I was claiming to be the Captain. It had been a long day of similar reactions from docking station staff, suppliers, and other people. This was going to be my first time meeting new crew members that Starsong had hired.

The seven current crew members walked behind me as I approached the main access door. The door opened, and I went outside. My eyes examined the small crowd waiting at the base of the ramp as I walked down it.

All 58 were already here and lined up in neat rows along the docking station retaining wall at the base of the door ramp. Most of them were old enough to be my father, and all of them had several decades in a space career under their belts. Their experience and knowledge meant that they should easily adapt to Starsong's systems.

I carried a box with communication devices and Guides while Logan carried a small folding table behind me. I reached the docking platform, and Logan set the table up before stepping back. I placed the box on the table before facing the ranks of waiting men and women who were watching me. A couple looked faintly surprised, but most were experienced enough to hide any emotion they may be feeling. All of them had been here early.

My palms sweated slightly at being the center of so much attention, but I figured it was no worse than a graduation ceremony. Once I called them up and they went inside, they would have plenty to distract them.

"Thank you all for coming. I am Captain Wanderer, although my crew is welcome to call me Rachel. The Starsong is a new Starship, and we are looking to build a strong foundation with an experienced crew, which is why we have approached you, as you have proven yourselves with your past work and dedication. There are currently only seven crew members, other than myself, so they will assist with a tour afterward. You are also free to explore the ship on your own."

Most Captains would never allow the crew to call them by their first name, but Starsong preferred a closer-knit group, so we were working towards that. To be honest, I preferred my first name over Captain Wanderer.

I reached down to pick up a communication device and a Guide. I called out, "Tanya Kisell, Navigations Officer."

One of the women came over. I passed her the communication device as I shook her hand. "Welcome aboard the Starsong."

"Thank you, Captain."

She pinned the device on her shirt, and I passed her the Guide before she moved to the side to make room for the next person I called up. Starsong provided the name and position of each person, so I didn't require a list - which would probably seem quite impressive to anyone watching.

Simply remembering the names and positions of so many new people would be a difficult task, never mind grabbing the devices that belonged to that person. That was probably the effect that Starsong had been after.

Soon, I handed the last of the items out. "The devices in your hands are called a Guide. They are similar to a rather user-friendly Analyzer that contains maps, tutorials, a system for work tickets, and more. Please keep them with you as this ship uses software and systems that are only found on Starships. I will take the Officers on a tour of the Bridge and ship. For the rest of you, please split yourselves amongst the original crew members for a tour."

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