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chapter | two

IT WAS A quarter past ten when you began to stir awake, completely oblivious of your surroundings. As you blinked slowly, you gazed around the run-down apartment you were settled in. You weren't sure sure how long you'd been lying there, the warm, soft blankets draped over your frail body.

Impatiently, you tossed the covers from your body, exposing your bruised skin to the frigid afternoon air. Much to your dismay, your original worn-down attire had been replaced with a revealing, over-sized shirt, exposing your bandaged torso. A part of your mind was beginning to tell you this was a bad idea, but you knew you needed to leave this village— empty-handed or not. Throwing your feet over the edge of the bed, you grasp onto the nightstand beside your bed for support, carefully pushing yourself to your feet.

An exhausted moan escaped your chapped lips as you struggled to stand upright, dizziness beginning to consume you. You began to shuffle your way toward the open door, careful to keep yourself balanced. 'This isn't so bad,' you thought, resting against the doorframe tiredly. Despite your eagerness to escape, you hesitated, lingering in the doorway.

     "You're leaving already?" Startled, you yelped, your skin prickling with fear. Towering over your small frame, the familiar silver-haired ninja stood tall, his uncovered eye staring down at you intimidatingly. He held a warm mug firmly in his hand, flexing his fingers around the glass.

     "H-Holy shit," You sputter in shock, unable to speak a coherent sentence. Warmth begins to creep onto your cheeks, and you look down in embarrassment, biting down onto your lip. You cross your arms around your chest tightly, attempting to cover yourself. You hoped he wasn't able to see anything through your revealing clothes— or cloth.

"You're supposed to be in bed," He spoke calmly, taking a sip from his mug of coffee. The taste of the much-needed beverage hits him, and he let out a sigh of content, savoring the sweet flavor. "There's coffee on the kitchen counter if you'd like some."

     You stare at the silver-headed man, dumbfounded. "I— did you sleep here last night?!" A small chuckle shifted the mans mask as he stared down at your trembling figure.

     "I was ordered by the Hokage to keep watch over you. It's been three days, so yes, I slept here. In the living room, of course." He nonchalantly ran his free hand through his disheveled hair, ignoring the shocked expression upon your face. "There's a pair of clothes in the closet for you. I suggest you get changed. We'll be leaving soon." You blink, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment, before slamming the door shut.

     Making your way toward the closet, you pull open the rickety wooden doors, staring at the clothes that were left for you; a gold trimmed navy-blue vest, and a pair of white pants. Your original clothes, which were battered and torn, were thrown into the corner of the closet, along with your shuriken holster. It wasn't your style, but it would have to do.

. . .

     You frowned, staring at yourself in the reflection of your kunai. You weren't used to seeing yourself in such fancy attire, not to mention without blood and dirt staining your face. Letting out a sigh, you shove your kunai back into it's holster, clicking it closed, before wrapping it around your leg using spare bandages. As you left the bedroom, you made your way through the hallway and toward the kitchen, and the aroma of freshly baked pancakes began to fill your nostrils. A loud growl escaped your stomach, your mouth beginning to water.

     "You're looking better," The silver-haired man said, plopping a freshly baked pancake onto an empty plate. "I'm not sure what you prefer in the morning, but I hope you like pancakes." You glanced at the man, slightly shocked, before taking a seat at the kitchen table. A moment later, a plate of pancakes was placed in front of you, your stomach growling at the beautiful sight.

     "Make sure you eat, [Name]." His voice was gentle, and for a split second— it felt like home. Hesitantly, you picked up the fork from the plate, poking at the pancake, before shoveling it into your mouth almost immediately, wasting no time to fill your empty stomach. The silver-haired man watched in shock, wondering when your last meal was.

    Once you had eaten your entire breakfast, you turned your attention toward the silver-headed man, who watched you curiously. Coughing uncomfortably, you fiddled with your thumbs under the table, unsure of what to say.

     ". . . What's your name?" You questioned softly, raising a delicate eyebrow. It's been years since you've had a normal conversation with another human, but you knew it'd be something you'd have to get used to. Placing his empty mug onto the table with a soft thud, the silver-headed ninja pushed himself up from his seat, pushing in his chair.

"Kakashi Hatake, a jounin of Konoha." He answered as he adjusted the Hidden Leaf headband that covered the entirety of his left eye. "It's time to go." Sliding off of your chair, you began to follow Kakashi, who made his way toward the front door. You were unsure of what was in store for you once you came face-to-face with the Hokage himself, but you knew you were curious to find out.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐇𝐀, various! naruto x reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now