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before you read- i know that the note is confusing. it's supposed to be confusing and not give away all of the secrets. let me know at the end of the chapter if you think the note was written okay so i can have some feedback c:



  Niall Horan



  I shuffled inside the small motel room, flicking the lights on and closing the door behind me, the crumpled up piece of paper in my hand. Memories came in tiny bits and pieces from that night and for some reason I had a feeling that this note wasn't a good thing.

  I had to take a wee anyway, so I took the paper with me to the bathroom. After doing my business, I looked down at the crumpled piece of lined paper that was folded in half and opened it. There were words all over the page and the top of the page said Dear Niall, like it was a letter addressed to me.

  Deciding that I would have to read it sooner or later, I started to scan the note.

  Dear Niall,


  I think I should begin by telling you who I am. My name is Natalie and I'm seventeen. My dear, stupid, oblivious aunt Shirley works at the Motel 6 you're currently staying at. Still not sure who I am? Funny, you'd think that you would remember me. After all, we made out quite a lot at that party.

  I froze, the face coming up fresh in my mind. The girl who wrote the letter was the girl I cheated on Avery with, the same girl that might have drugged me. But why would she be writing a letter to me in the first place?

  You're probably very confused right now, but I think I'm alright with that. It's best to tell you as little as possible, keep you wondering. I'll make this short- I have connections with Jake Yoder. You know Jake, don't you? The one that's coming after your girlfriend with his serial killer friend. I was the one that told them you had come back to Motel 6.

  I guess I should explain how this whole time you've been being tracked, should I? All in good time, Mr. Horan.

  I felt absolutely sick. Whoever this girl was knew that we were staying at this Motel 6 and she also had connections with Jake. This girl tricked Shirley into giving her our location, which meant that Shirley couldn't be trusted.

  Feeling scared? It gets worse. I decided to join Jake, because he is an old friend of mine and I knew that I could help him out. He talked lots about Avery. She sounds like your average teen mom screw up, but you probably already know that. Jake said that he needed help in finding you, and since he knew my aunt Shirley worked here, I could have easy access into the security cameras and be on the look out in case you returned.

  You should realize by now that Jake has his connections. Jake doesn't lose and he isn't going to lose, so if I were you I would be smart with your actions. He has been keeping his eye on you this whole time.

  I'll explain in detail. You see, back when little damsel in distress Avery decided to run away from Jake, he tracked her phone. He was watching exactly where she was and knew that she had gone to this Motel 6. Why didn't he just go down and get her himself? He wanted to wait. He wanted her to taste life without him and then rip her away from it in hopes that she would suffer more. I'll admit, it's an evil idea, but I'm his friend and I've already picked my side.

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