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Louis holds tight onto the tree, his eyes are closed, not daring to look. He hears how Harry gets secured with a harness that will be attached to a strong metal rope over their heads so he won't fall down and die.

"Louis? I need you to let go of the tree." Harry says in a soft voice. He is standing right in front of the omega. "You can take my hands as long as we are on the platform." Louis simply nods, but doesn't move. He is just too scared to open his eyes.

"You need to start!" Mr Berk calls up, smirking at the struggle of the omega. The teacher already dislikes the new student.

Harry ignores his teacher, he is focused on the smaller lad in front of him. "Louis, please take my hands. And you need to open your eyes. Just look at me, okay? You can trust me. We are in this together."

Louis takes a deep breath before he opens his eyes, immediately looking into Harrys green ones. He lets go of the tree slowly, grabbing the alphas hands tight. Harry smiles at Louis.

"Good. It's not that bad, is it?"

Louis snorts. "I'm fucking pissing myself right now." Not literally though.

Harry laughs. "You can joke, so you're fine." Louis manages to give Harry a small smile, what disappears just as quick as it came.

"I-I can't--" Louis eyes move downwards, but Harry is quick to tilt his head up by the omegas chin gently.

"Don't look down!" he says. "Just... Just look into my eyes. Don't look somewhere else." Louis nods understanding. No, he doesn't obey the alpha, he just thinks that's a smart idea. "I need to put my hands on your back, okay? Just in case I need to catch you, what won't be necessary." The alpha figures it's better to ask Louis for his permission if he is going to touch him.

"Yea, okay. Fine." Louis says with a little hesitation. "But don't think I'll go all omega on you after that." Harry smiles.

"Of course not." The alpha moves his hand around Louis waist to his back, Louis puts his hands on Harrys shoulders to have something to hold onto. "You ready?"

Louis nods, but doesn't move. He just stares into Harrys eyes feeling panic rise again.

"Let me tell you a story." Harry starts. "Believe it or not, but I was scared of heights as well. Not anymore though." he tells Louis. "You wanna know how I overcame my fear?"

"How?" Louis asks, not noticing that Harry took a cautious step backwards and Louis follows. He is just that focused on the alphas words and eyes.

"My sister, Gemma, I told you about her?" Louis nods as a reply as they take another step. "She somehow got me up a huge tree. Maybe the same height we are right now." Harry pauses as he takes another step, Louis follows. "So I, maybe 7 years old, sit shaking on that branch on a tree not knowing how to climb down. I had a strong hold on the tree as I called out for Gemma to help me down."

"Did she help you?" Louis whispers as he takes another step unnoticed.

The alpha chuckles. "Well, not really. She told me to look around and enjoy the view. She said nothing would happen." Harry knows it's not that far to the other platform anymore. "But I was too affraid at first. After a while though, I started to look around and you know what?"

"What?" Louis voice is still quiet, scared that his panic would come back if he speaks any louder.

"The view was amazing. I could see nearly everything that wasn't behind the woods surrounding our house. I started to enjoy the few and I wasn't that scared anymore." He takes one last step as he feels the wood of the platform underneath him.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें