Thirty Three

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WARNING: SLIGHT SMUT :)))) PS: Told you this chapter was coming! Y'all should've never doubted me!!

"S-Strip Mario Kart?" Niall repeats nervously, flushing bright red. "You want to play strip Mario Kart with me?"

Justin is grinning in a way that makes Niall's stomach twist and turn, more of a smirk than a smile. "Yeah, you in?"

Niall chews on his lip, playing with the hem of the sweater dress he's wearing. "Wellll...I guess it could be kinda fun..."

Justin's grin stretches across his whole face. "Hell yeah! Let's get it set up." He turns the TV on and goes to switch the Wii on before pausing, turning back to look at Niall. "Wait, how many layers are you wearing?"

Niall is suddenly grateful for the sudden dip in temperature outside and for the layers he's wearing, which doesn't even compare to the t-shirt and boxers Justin is wearing. To answer Justin's question, he just grins.

"Fuck," Justin mutters under his breath. That makes Niall giggle, and Justin scrunches up his face at him. "Okay, you ready to lose, baby boy?"

"You're gonna be naked way before me," Niall says back, and Justin just smirks.

"We'll see," is all he says.

- - -
Half an hour later, Justin has his boxers and one sock on, and Niall is down to his dress and thigh highs.

"I can't fucking believe you counted your jewelry as layers of clothing," Justin hisses, glaring at Niall while also trying not to stare for too long.

Niall rolls his eyes. "You took off one sock!"

Justin shakes his head. "All I know is that dress is coming off if you lose another race."

"Fine," Niall agrees, sticking his tongue out. The game starts, and Niall is in third place, Justin in fifth. Niall would've won the round if not for a green shell that pushed him back into sixth. "No!" Niall screams at the television as Justin passes the finish line seconds before him.

"Yes!" Justin shouts, tossing the Wii remote on the couch and doing the ugliest possible celebratory dance. "Off with the dress, come on, baby." Niall bites his lip, hesitant, and Justin's face softens. "You don't have to if you're uncomfortable, sweetheart."

"No...I'm okay," Niall assures him, taking a deep breath so his hands stop shaking. He's not scared, just a little nervous — what if Justin doesn't like his body? What if he's too scrawny, or too feminine, or just too much? With another shaky breath, he pushes the anxious thoughts aside and pulls the dress over his head and stands there, half naked and shy, staring down at his feet. He's left in his Cinderella blue lace underwear and white thigh highs, and he can't bring himself to look up until he hears Justin's sharp intake of breath.

"Are you trying to fucking kill me?" Justin asks, eyes squeezed shut.

A giggle bubbles up in Niall's throat. "Do you have your eyes closed?"

Justin opens his eyes, but only to stare at the screen. "Let's play another round," he says, and Niall shrugs, reaching for his controller. Niall wins this time, and Justin pulls his shirt off. At that, Niall can't help but stare at his boyfriend's muscular body, and he squirms a little in his seat. "Baby," Justin says in a low voice, and Niall squirms even more. "Baby, you gotta stop looking at me like that... you're so fucking pretty, and I don't wanna cross any lines for you..." Niall lets out a whimper, high in his throat, and the next thing he knows Justin is kissing at his neck. "Fuck. Can't fucking help myself with you over here whining, practically begging for it..."

Niall bucks his hips, gasping out, "Please," as they meet Justin's.

"Hold on, baby, hold on," Justin says, and when Niall opens his eyes, Justin's are squeezed shut again. "I have to ask you you want here, angel, because —" He pauses to swallow. "— because I don't really know. Alex really only wanted sexual stuff with Zayn and never with me so I have to know where you are on this. I'm not gonna touch you unless you're sure you want me to. I —"

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now