Author's Note

10.8K 318 80

I can't believe I have finished writing my second story! *Clap clap clap* 

I had so much fun writing this story. Especially when I wrote 'heart-pinching' scenes XD Sorry Liana. 

The inspiration of this story came from my love for double reborn/reincarnation stories. What's the fun if you're reborn/reincarnated alone? What's more fun is if the two characters have some kind of conflict before they died. So after rebirth, one character will always be avoiding the other while the other tries to redeem himself/herself. It's a bit cliche, but it's fun! With this idea I wrote this story. The story turned out pretty well! 

Liana, as I had once said, is just a normal girl. She is not particularly smart (To the point of a genius), she is also not stupid. So in the story, she can always deduce the truth or Sebastian's action after quietly observing from the side. She is also quite a 'lazy' character. She does not like to work if there is someone else who can do things for her. So you might feel like she is quite passive, which is true, partly due to her lack of confidence. But another reason is due to her laziness. I hope you like Liana!

Sebastian what a difficult character to write. I wanted to try writing a typical cold male lead this time. Cold and aloof, his main characteristics. When I wrote him, I had to keep his words short, precise and emotionless. How hard! And at the same time, these characteristics won't make him a good male lead, just an emotionless robot, so he is definitely not a reader's favorite. He has this unexplained trust on Liana that she will understand him. But in fact, Liana is human too, she cannot read his mind. So... misunderstandings keep building. Sebastian is also one of those 'no explanation' guys. Sebastian really has to redeem himself. I think chasing Liana around the continent for 2 years is enough punishment. Or is it? 

Lucien and Felicity. Well these two make a pair of great (stupid and annoying) antagonists. To be very honest, these two will most certainly be shining hero and heroine in a typical fantasy story. But oh well, you two are just unfortunate to meet this author. Maybe all of Felicity's luck is used up to meet Lucien XD

As for the epilogue, I spent a lot of time editing and re-editing it so as to nail the heart aching, bittersweet epilogue. I hope you like it! To me that's the perfect ending :D Whatever you feel is the truth, that's the truth.

Thank you every single reader who checked out this story. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I do! Your support means a lot to me! I am still lacking a lot in terms of writing skills, so thank you for staying with me till the end! This story also hit 78.6k which is a first for me. So thank you very much!! 

See you next time :D I hope to see you over Reborn as a Sea Nymph (now posted)!

11/5/2018- 25/7/2018

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