Chapter 77 Focus

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The base opened the passage urgently and immediately prepared to close off the entry after the transport carrier entered, but the node jammed and three enemy craft invaded the base.

The three craft were successfully shot down, but in the Surge's usual style the craft were filled with zombies.

Although Xiao had only met Ling once or twice, he seemed quite competent, certainly no less capable that Winn. For these zombies to take out 12 special forces...that is too much!

The moment the hatch opened Xiao understood the reason.

The zombies they had encountered until now were driven by pure instinct and hunger. There was something different about the movement of these zombies. For one they were much faster.

The special forces were immediately dispatched and the zombies appeared to display a level of intelligence not previously encountered. They knew to attack the necks of the Special Forces. When the first soldier's neck was targeted, the others confirmed the situation and alerted the remaining fighters. Previously the zombies would just chaotically pounce on their prey, but now they were hiding, cooperating and organizing a soldier.

Zombies alone are rarely fatal to the Special Forces, but once they started cooperating with each other, the situation instantly changed.

One the young soldiers goes to attack one of the zombies, when another lands atop his head. As he instinctively slashed upward, another runs up behind him and knocks him down. Once on the floor, several zombies hold his limbs down, until another bites his head so severely the image goes hazy with his blood.

Xiao is stunned. He stares at everything in horror, this is beyond their level classifications!

"Xiao Yan. You don't have to hide under the quilt. I have already seen you." Gordon spoke plainly not the slightest hint of a smile disrupting his expression.

Xiao pushed the blanket off of his head. Xiao attempts a dignified look. Dead pigs don't need to worry about being boiled.

"As a researcher what is your assessment of the situation?"

"All viruses are constantly evolving to adapt to their changing environment and host...but given that these were deliberately released by the Surge, I think that the attack on the base was an experiment. Their actions are rapid and seem to display a level of intelligence. I would surmise that these zombies are the result of Surge experimentation. "

"Your guess is correct." Gordon nodded and then swiped across the screen

Now the image on the display shows that after the zombies ravaged the base for a sold hour, they suddenly squeezed their head with such force their skulls split and pus exploded through the air. The yellow fluid flew out in such quantity that it created a hazy filter over the image.

Xiao couldn't help but tremble. He didn't know he had stayed in the office with Heine for two days. He had slept for two days and hadn't eaten anything in four days. His stomach rolled at the image and he began to retch.

"Colonel Burton this news has spread to the Shire and the people are worried. Your team is the strongest combat force we have. Your new orders are to return before sunset tomorrow."

After that, the connection was terminated.

Xiao Yan glanced at the time. They would need to leave now.

As he flipped the quilt off of him, he discovered that both he and Heine were naked. Xiao hungrily looked at the broad line of his shoulders as they flowed into the bones of his clavicle. The he let his gaze dip lower and saw the shadow of that part of Heine... standing at attention. Xiao's body grew hot and he moved away quickly. He didn't go far as he quickly realized he had no idea where his clothes were.

Heine slowly sat up. He didn't stretch to his full height in front of Xiao Yan. His fingers pressed a button and a pair of military uniforms emerged from the wall.

"Thank you."

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