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As hives rapidly appeared on a young female's neck, she outstretched her arm, endeavoring to gather strength in her legs so she can at least kneel.

But she was to no avail.

As if the bones in her right arm had suddenly turned to lead, it pathetically dropped.

She fervently gasped in and out to fill her lungs with the significant element known as oxygen.

But even this action seemed useless because her now red face was altering to another hue - purple and she started to feel lightheaded.

Hot tears appeared beside her brown eyes as she hardly gazed upon the one thing that can safe her life - the epinephrine auto-injector also known as the epipen.

The epipen that was on her desk was only thing in her line of sight and the buzzing sounds of her murderer was all she could hear, when she took her last breath.

On the side of the girl was her PSP flashing with numerous bright colours, because she had just completed all the routes in a new popular otome game called, 'The Beloved One!'.

Toshiko Fujiwara, a nineteen year old college sophomore who was studying to become an elementary school teacher had eagerly returned home to play and finish the route she had set for last.

The route she had always played last in otome games was about the main capturable male character.

The main capturable male characters had always been her favourites; it had been no different for 'The Beloved One!.

She had always saved her favourites for last.

But who would have thought after all the blushing, squealing and sighs of happiness she had done, she would have been stung by a bee - her mortal enemy?


Hope you enjoyed!

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