Day 1~

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                                                                *Chapter 1*

My names Stella, I'm sixteen, and no, this isnt one of those stories out there about high school girls complaining about their lives, or clinging to a guy, or having a huge mental break least, I hope not. This is the story of how I met a total obnoxious jerk in the high school play. He was apperently known as "the bad boy." He smoked, drank, and was caught vandalising quite a bit. I dont even know how or why I fell for him...Its kind of all a blur now, looking back on it all...

It was fun, it was wild, and I got a taste at what I had been missing all of my life: Freedom.

Sweet Freedom.

He showed me a whole other world out there that I had completely missed, it was called happyness. When we'd sneak out late and climb the water tower and just watch the city lights, or even just run around late at midnight in an open feild when the sprinklers were on. It was all magical...

Yes, I was glad I met him. He changed the way I looked and faced the world, and changed the way I thought. Suddenly I could start thinking not only in my perspective, but in multipule. Once a doubter in love, but he opened my eyes, for I was blind, masked by a curtain.

It was all too tempting for me to just dive into the relationship all to quickly, but instead, I took it slowly, cautiously, afraid of something...but i dont know what...

Anyways, here it goes...


Day 1:

It was like anyother day, I thought. Walking through the hallways, trying to stay unnoticed, carrying around my heavy bookbag praying for time to magicaly fly by within minutes. But it never did. I needed to learn to stop believing in things.

I reached my locker and shoved everything inside. I didnt know why I was so angry and bitter today, I just felt as worthless as usual. (Little did I know just yet that there were others out there who had it harder, Like him...who felt something much more than worthless)

I kept telling myself I could make it through the day, at least I really hoped so. I walked down the crowded hallways down to Science class. It wasnt my favorite class, no, but It was one of those kinds of classes where you just, kind of feel relaxed and stuff, because you dont have to talk if you dont want to, and the teacher always lets you choose where to sit.

Zachary Golden was passing notes around like everyother day, just to random people. I had never really what they'd said before, but only once at the beginning of the school year when I got a note asking to go out. I passed it on, knowing it wasnt for me. I bet it was for Natalie Heart, the class slut of course.

I sat at the very back of the class, still trying my best not to get noticed by anyone, or get called on by Mrs. Mars. Her questions were always the weirdest, too, which made them harder to answer.

She wore her usual: Glasses, golden hoop earings, a white sweater, and dark blue skirt that hangs down to her knees, and some black and blue heels. I still wondered how she managed to get around so smoothly wearing high heels, it was almost impossible.  

She smiled, sweetly to the class, her eyes scanning over us for any sign of trouble. Why? I didnt know yet. She cleared her throat, "Class, today I want you on your best behavior. We are getting a new student named Charlie. Now, keep in mind that he is, troubled kid. I want you all to influence him on positive ways."

Troubled kid? What does she mean by that? Like he was in the...special class or something? Or just got in trouble a lot?

"He comes from the bad part of town, so unfortanatly, he was raised around violance. I was us all to encourage him to do right things. He should be coming any second with the-

Just then, there was a loud knock on the room door.

"Come in."

Sure enough, the principle came in, his hand on the broad shoulder of a teenage boy. He wore a black hat over his head, his dark brown bangs stickin gout over his eyes. He wore a bright blue shirt, that was a bit torn and roughed up, along with some loose grey jeans, that had some rips and tears. He didnt seem to mind the breeze.

"Welcome, Charlie. I am Mrs. Mars, your science teacher." She smiled delighted.

"Hey." He just gave a simple nod with his head.

Her smile slowly faded. "Why dont you go pick a seat anywhere you like."

"Thanks." He muttered, and shoved off the principles hand off his shoulder. He began walked down the aisles. Everyone stared at him, but he didnt even seem to notice. He sat down in a seat two rows across from me, seemed to see if it flt right, shook his head, and got up, and continued looking around.

It made some people laugh. But I just watched him.

Finally, he ended up in the empty desk right next to mine. It was rght on the right of me, since i was the very left corner. He sat down, and looked over at me. I met his gaze, but only for a second. My eyes dropped down to my hands on the desk.

He grinned and set down his stuff beside his new desk. "I like this one."

The teacher smiled. "Good, that will be your seat from now on then."

He continued grinning. "Thanks."

Fifteen minute later, the principle was gone, and the teacher began talking about how to disect frogs, which was coming up soon. When suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked over. Charlie was leaning across the aisle, his face right below mine. After a long minute of his just cheking me out, I finally got annoyed. "What?" I whispered angrily.

"Nothing," He shrugged, "Just checking out my new neighbors." He chuckled and sat back over in his seat, and leaned in.

I continued to stare at him, irritated, yet tranced. What was wrong with this kid? Was he trying to get on my bad side?

He noticed I was still looking at him, my arms crossed on the desk. "What? Cant look away?" She mumbled and smirked. "Who could blame you."

I rolled my eyes, and looked back at the front to listen to the teacher. 

Another fifteen minutes later, another tap at my side. I sighed and looked back over.

Charlie was leaning across the aisle again, arms on his knees. He didnt seem to care if he got talking by the teacher.

"What?" I whispered.

He licked his lips. "Want to go out with me?"

My eyes widened. I barely even knew this kid for thirty minutes, and he's asking me out?

"What? No! I dont even know you!"

"Do you want to know me?" He smirked and shrugged a little.

A silence around the classroom. I looked away from his dark green eyes, and noticed everyone was staring at us, including Mrs. Mars.

Oh no.

"Charlie, since this is your first day, I'll let you off with a warning. But Stella, detention. Today. Afteschool. No talking while the teacher is talking."

I sighed as the teacher turned around to face the white board and continued to speak. I looked over at Charlie was a laughing quietly.

"Thanks a lot." I whispered bitterly.

"Wasnt my fault you decided to talk to me." He grinned over at me in his seat.

Yup, this kid must be mental or something...


Thank god for the bell, I ran out of that classroom as fast as I could to get to my locker and forget about that Charlie kid. Little did I know, soon he'd be all I could think about...

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