Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Niall and I really couldn't have been happier. It'd been three weeks since our date, when he first told me he loved me. Niall and I didn't really rush things too much. We always told each other we loved each other, but we hadn't made it official with the press or anything.

Daniella and Zayn had finally gone out which I was also thrilled about. The two were practically inseparable, always texting each other and going out. I was really happy for them. Zaynella or Dayn, was really cute.

Hazel and Harry went out a bit too. He was a bit scared to bring her out into the public so soon, since she might get hate. All members of One Direction were taken, the fans would probably be crying their eyes out.

Niall always seemed to make some time for me though, which I was so grateful for. Occasionally, he'd walk me home from school, us holding hands and hoods covering our faces so know one would notice us. Occasionally Harry and Zayn would walk their girlfriends homes. Today was one of those days. Louis and Liam thought it'd be fun if they bugged us during our special time.

"Just pretend like we're not even here!" Liam chirped.

"I'm wishing that you're not here." I mumbled under my breath, Niall chuckling next to me.

"Aww, we're not that bad!" Louis said, hugging me from the side. I rolled my eyes a bit then remembered I left something important in my locker.

"Wait, I left something in my locker, guys. We need to go back." I said, turning around. We hadn't gotten that far, so we just started jogging back to the school. It only took around five minutes. The boys had put their hoods down as we walked back into the school. It was around ten minutes after dismissal. I'm sure no one was here, maybe a few teachers and some janitors cleaning up after school but that was it. I started to turn the knob on my locker as the boys looked around to make sure it was clear. I understood why they were so nervous, so I couldn't blame them. The last thing we needed was a ton of fangirls following us.

I pulled out my binder, tons of notebook paper falling out. My eyes widened as Niall went to pick one up.

"Niall, no!" I said, trying to take it out of his hands. My fingers barely brushed off the paper. He moved it away quickly, out of reach.

"What? It's just some paper." He chuckled a bit and started to open it.

"Ni..." I whispered but just bit my lip. I felt my eyes watering, but I tried not to cry, desperately trying to look away.

"Addie..." I heard Niall say after some silence. I didn't want to look up at him. I just shook my head over and over again, wishing this was all a bad dream. He didn't read it. He didn't...

"What's..going on?" Louis whispered, almost scared to interrupt. Liam was looking back and forth between us. Niall just simply handed him the note, an emotionless look on his face. When I finally had the courage, I looked up at him, tears brimming at my eyes.

"Who wrote those?" He demanded, grabbing my hand.

"I-It's nothing, Ni."

"Addie. Tell me. Who. Wrote. Those." I could hear the sternness in his voice. Louis and Liam sighed, running hands through their hair, muttering things I couldn't hear. They seemed just as upset as Niall.

"J-Just a girl. V-Vanessa. It's nothing."

"No, it's not!" He said so suddenly, I flinched. "Addie, why didn't you tell me?!"

"B-Because," I sighed, tears falling now. "I was scared. I was scared you'd believe e-every word. I-I-" I just bursted out crying, not even caring anymore. Louis immediately pulled me into his arms as I sobbed into his chest. Liam rubbed my back, soothingly, but it just seemed to make me feel worse. Niall was leaning against the locker, reading the note over and over again. Finally he just ripped the note up, disgusted.

Lucky Me // Niall HoranTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang