chapter one (part two)

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As the the girl snapped out of her thoughts she realised she's being pulled along by the general she saw before.

'well.. it's now or never.'

The girls cyborg leg (kinda like shiro's arm, wait to see) started to glow turning into a blade and that's when the galran turned only to get kicked in the neck making a huge cut appear across there neck splattering blood on the girl, floor and wall as she moved her now bladed leg as it goes back to normal letting her kick the creature against the wall running.

"we need back up! there firing at us like crazy!"

The girl turned to the direction seeing of the voice and that's when she saw two males in familiar armour making her feel something she thought she forgot how to feel, HOPE, and for that she decided to help these two.

Hunk's P.O.V.

lance and I were firing our guns at the robots on the galra ship because alura found the red lion and Pidge and Shiro needed cover because the galra were trying to get the civilians back that they were trying to save because i'm guessing pidge found out there were prisioners hoping that his (cause they don't know pidge is a girl yet) brother and father were here while keith was looking for his lion. while pidge and shiro were looking for the prisioners someone sounded the alarms and now all the galra fighters on the ship are trying to kill us!

"hey guys! keith, shiro, someone! we could really use some help right now!" i yelled through the comunacator linked up to all our helmets as more of the creatures came.. just then I saw a purple light allumanating from the other side of the rows of galra's

"who is that?" Lance said saying my thoughts

"sound the alarms prisoner '000' has escaped!!:" prisoner 000? i thought there was only the ones pidge found? she must be special if there trying this hard to bring her back... All the galra's attention wen't to the person as they thinned out the croud of alians. "guys!? what's going on?!there going towards you?!" Shiro's voice yelled slightly concerned.


sorry if it's bad it's almost 2 am here and i had nothing better to do.. i'll come back later though and edit it for you guys but for now i'll go. bye bye!!

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