part one

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yeah so I really don't know where im going with this but enjoy

i don't think i mentioned this when i posted, but tw for mental illness (eating disorders/bulimia & depression/suicidal thoughts i think???) i cant actually remember as i wrote this a while ago but i was just thinking there's not really any trigger warnings on it if someone (for some reason) wants to read the fic i gave up on


harry was quiet. he had niall and that was about all he needed.

niall was on the school football team. he was really good at footy, but he didn't like hanging around his teammates because they were all the type to drink, smoke and get high and niall wasn't like that

he liked hanging out with harry, who was quiet but as sweet as anything. harry wouldn't hurt a fly and niall liked that about him

niall was very likeable, he was sweet and his irish accent made everybody smile, so the football team liked him and respected that he wasn't like them and that his best friend was harry, and he didn't really like to do things with the team. this meant that the football team quite liked harry too, especially zayn and liam. the only person that didn't was louis. he was the captain and for some reason he absolutely despised harry

this wasn't too weird due to the fact louis was quite closed off, but he was nice enough to everyone around him except harry, and no one could understand what his problem with him was. harry was nothing but kind to everyone he met and it was impossible to hate him

well, impossible for everyone but louis


as the football captain, louis tended to have a lot of girls' attention. he did have a girlfriend though, eleanor, although they'd been very on and off for the past 3 or so years

they also didn't tend to act very couple-y in public, but people just assumed that they weren't very romantic people

what no one knew though, was that eleanor was the football coach's daughter. only louis knew that as when he came out to his coach as gay, he said that he had to keep it secret as half of the match ticket sales were from girls crushing hard on louis

so coach set louis up with his daughter, paying her to be louis' 'beard'. at first louis hated it, having to hide who he was with a fake girlfriend, but it did mean that he got a lot less unwanted attention from girls he barely knew

the only people that knew louis was gay was coach, eleanor and louis' siblings. his mum did know, but she had passed away from leukaemia about 2 years ago and his dad was barely in his life

in total, louis had 6 siblings. he was the second oldest, then it went lottie, fizzy, daisy, phoebe, doris and earnest and he loved his family, but he and lottie were especially close

lottie was the only one of his siblings that knew eleanor was a beard, the rest of his family probably assumed he was bi or something, he never spoke about her and she never came up in conversation so he never really had to tell them


life was hard for harry, although many people mutually liked him and he had his best friend niall he felt very alone. he also had a lot of mental health issues surrounding his weight

harry had struggled with eating disorders for a long time, but they started to get worse around the time he came out to his family about a year before. his sister, gemma, was extremely accepting of his sexuality, but his mum wasn't. she spent about 3 months not talking to him much, apart from the odd question about whether his sister was coming down from uni soon or something, until harry started starving himself completely and gemma noticed over facetime

DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now