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I sighed and ignored everything, I felt numb, all my loved ones are dead... why am I even living? I teleported away not caring if I was caught or anything, I was in a forest. I walked aimlessly, I felt empty. After a while I saw a deer with two heads, half it's body white the other half black, I watched as it ran off then continued walking.

I stumbled upon lots of strange creatures but none of them sparked any sort of interest in me, I continued to walk till I found a village, I slowly walked up to the guard and he said "Where's your ID?" Me being tired of living said "Lost it." He nodded and motioned for me to follow him and so I did.

He took me to a room with a crystal and I went through boring steps to get my ID, the crystal showed my kills and saves I didn't care that my kill number was 3 million and my save was 3000. The guard seemed nervous, he handed me the card and I walked into the village. I found nothing interesting and left the next day.

I continued to walk and not long after leaving I can across a more secluded village I slowly approached it and before the guard could say anything, he went wide eyed and ran into the village and went to get someone I sighed and waited patiently.

The guard came back with an old man behind him, he took a good look at her and he went wide eyed and said "Your the one from the legends!!!!!" I tilted my head and he said "Please come in! S-Sorry if we were rude in anyway towards y-you." I nod and he led me in.

He proceeded to show me various thing and I had no reaction, he was showing signs of worry and fear. After touring the entire village and him noticing my bored and empty facial expression he stopped and asked me "U-umm... Mistress? I-is the v-village not to your l-liking?" I sighed and he flinched.

I was about to speak when a little kid ran into me and the old man seemed like he was facing death in the face, I was a little confused but I could care less. I looked down and the little girl was looking at me with a huge smile and said "Sorry Onee-Chan! I didn't mean to!" I noticed a girl that reminded me of Silvia so much, I felt my eyes water and throat hurt but pushed the tears back and ignored the pain.

The girl(woman) saw me and knelt down as she said "Sorry mistress for my little sisters mistake, please take mercy on her!!" I stared for a second and reached down towards the child, the man and girl(woman) looked scared.

I held the girl in my arms and whispered into her ear "Is your sister interested in girls?" I didn't want a replacement for Silvia, I wanted to move on, That's what she would want me to do. The little girl giggled and nodded and I carried her to the man and handed the child to the man.

I then walked over to the girl(woman) and said "I won't punish this village if you become my wife." The girl(woman don't call the FBI!) Said "I'd love to become your bride mistress." I smiled for the first time in a while and I watched as everyone blushes and the sun shines brighter along with the beautiful caress of wind against everyone's hot skin.

I looked at the man with my empty face and said "I will be leaving this village for a few hours with the girl(woman), I will return, I expect her entire family present when I return, that is if she has said family." He nodded and the little girl waved by to me and her big sister.

Once we were outside the village I grabbed her hand softly but firmly and led her to a beautiful grove I found, we sat down on a patch of grass and I asked her "What's your name?" She smiled kindly at me and said "My name is Kiriko! I am 20 years old! And I am an elf!" I smiled warmly and said "Nice to meet you Kiriko, my name is Silence, and I am a goddess! I am physically 24 years old and won't age but mentally over 2000 years old!"

Kiriko smiled at me and said "So, umm mistress, why did you want to marry me?" I smiled a very bright, warm and living smile and said "Call me Silence, and I wanted to marry you and still want to marry you because, I fell in love with you at first sight." She smiled at me and hugged me tightly, her hug was warm and then she said "umm, Silence, can I tell you a secret?" I nodded.

"Umm you see I'm actually half elf and..." I saw tears well up in her eyes and my happy face turned to one of worry as she said "I'm half monster, therefore I can't give birth but can impregnate instead... you probably are disgusted by me now...*sobbing*" She was crying now, why would anyone be disgusted by this?

I brought her close and hugged her tightly and whispered "Who cares? If you can't bare my child, I'll bare yours, Berger's can't be choosers, plus I love you for you, not for your appearance." She wipes her tears and said "then... will you still love me when I tell you... I die when I successfully impregnate someone?" I smiled with tears Present in my eyes and say "I will love you no matter what, and when you die, I will give our child all the love I can!" She smiles and we ended up falling asleep in the grass.

When we awoke we hugged and left knowing we were gone for 5 hours now.

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