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I was absolutely humiliated by my actions. As hard as I tried to forget, the images of me reacting to my ticklish nature by that… that brute kept reenacting in my mind. That squeal. Oh God, that squeal was so embarrassing. And the worse part? I slapped my own face at the memory. I honestly curtsied before that man. I, a twenty-first century woman, curtsied before a vampire and my future-executioner. Jumping off the building was looking far too good at this point in time.

Luckily, I remembered the way from Jacobi’s room to Aveline and Xander’s. When I was presented their door, I hesitated, wondering if I should just walk in or knock. My answer was given when the door was swung open roughly and Aveline was pulling me into the room. Before I could say or do anything, she was touching my body nearly all over and babbling about being hurt.

“I’m fine,” I cried out in alarm.

“You really picked the best vampire to piss off, didn’t you?” Aveline scolded, grasping my face in her hands. “Honestly, that blow to your head was so loud. You weren’t breathing. I thought you were dead.” I hesitated at her words. Was it really that bad?

“It’s a good thing Jacobi gave me his blood,” I sighed in relief.

“He didn’t,” She replied, releasing my face from her grasp.

“Was it you guys then?” I looked around the room to find Xander sitting on the far side of the bed with his back turned to us. It was strange that he didn’t even look at me. I frowned.

“No… the type of healing you required was only able to be given by Jacobi.” Aveline smiled softly at the mention of his apparent rescue mission. “He can heal by touch, you know.” She traced her fingers over the skin of my now healed arm, which only held the dried remains of my blood. I was completely confused, though.

“I didn’t read that in the books you gave me. I thought only Royals had special powers.”

“Yes, well, the books don’t mention that Eve’s Kindred tend to be a little special, as well,” she winked at me. I was stunned.

“You mean Eve Raene?”

“The one and only,” She stated proudly. I could understand her pride. Her Master-and-Maker was the Kindred of the first vampire. No wonder Jacobi was the Master of the largest and wealthiest coterie. “Eve had a few Kindred, but only a handful. All of them have been killed except for Jacobi. I’m assuming you can guess by whom.” She moved away towards the closet for something.

“Monet,” I whispered, enlightened further on why Jacobi would hate me so much. I looked up at her suddenly. “Was Adelaide his Kindred? Like you are?” Aveline paused at the door to the closet, holding her hands together in front of her stomach as if nervous for a moment.

“Adelaide was Eve’s Kindred, her newest one. She bound her to our coterie while Adelaide was still bonded to her Maker. In a way, Adelaide was entrusted to Jacobi for protection, like a little sister. They were close. Some thought they would be Mates…” She seemed like she was going to say more, but then turned to go into the closet and pick out a new outfit. I was grateful for the information she did give me. It helped me understand why Jacobi hated my bloodline so much.

It was then that I decided to focus my attention on Xander, who hadn’t turned to greet me once since I walked in. I hesitated, wondering if something was wrong with him. Had I done something to offend him recently? I couldn’t recall. I didn’t lock the door when he said to… yeah, that could be it. Maybe he thought I was too much trouble after all.

There was only one way to find out. I crawled onto the bed, making my way across to his solid unmoving figure. When I reached him, I paused but then leaned back on my knees and extended my hand to lightly touch his shoulder. I felt his muscles tense impossibly beneath his shirt, but he didn’t move otherwise.

Struck (A Vampire Novel) ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora