Chapter Twenty One

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Lily was staring at her breakfast, a weird realisation hitting her as she picked up her spoon. This was the last time she'd have breakfast like this before school.

Today was her official last day.

Her aunt hadn't been too happy Lily was suspended, regardless of the fact it was completely out of Lily's control. She was pleased Lily's grades were high enough that she could graduate early.

Lily scooped up some of her porridge as her aunt slid down the banister in her fluffy pyjamas, Disney's Aristocats themed. It put a small smile to her face.

"What's the schedule today, Scooby Doo?" Ollie beamed, grabbing a spoon and eating some of Lily's porridge.

"It's just, hey! That's a lot of my breakfast!" Lily laughed. Her aunt just shrugged, helping herself to more.

"You won't finish it in three minutes, I'm just helping you!" Ollie dipped her chin to Lily's notebook on the table, and took a guess. "English?"

Lily nodded. "Then History, Fairy Health, and then Witch Agriculture to finish my last ever day of school."

Ollie's smile softened. "It's not the end of everything. You'll still see all your friends after, and you'll still learn more outside of school than you will in its walls. All school does is give you a basic taste, a sample, of life out there - the samples are gone now, so which dish are you going to go after?"

Lily blinked. "What?"

"It's a metaphor. You'll learn about it in English."

"It's too early for metaphors."

"It's too early for any philosophical conversation with you." Ollie smirked as she pulled Lily's porridge closer to her. "You've got seconds to leave the house if you're going to be at school on time!"

Lily quickly shoved her notebook in her bag and ran to the door. Ollie perked up. "Run, Forrest, run!" She shouted after her and Lily left the house laughing.

Her mood dimmed as she walked her way to school. She wasn't that upset it was her last day. She was just sad she didn't get to spend the rest of it with her new friends; Ollie was right. She'd see Jack, Claire, and Karen. Ryan too - Lily hoped he hadn't forgotten his promise of letting her visit the packhouse that afternoon to see the library.

If there was anything to help her control her dangerous creature, it'd be in those books.

As Lily glimpsed the gates at the end of her walk, she tucked the loose strands of her renegade hair behind her ears. She'd settled for a normal plait down her back and almost tripped over her feet when she saw the ring she'd put on her finger.

It was a simple gold ring with a small sapphire resting in an entanglement of gold leaves.

Lily always liked to carry a part of her family with her. For a long time it was Delta's leather bracelet. It was thin and wouldn't catch on her clothes, wasn't decorated with any gems of any kind. For wanting to blend in and be invisible, Delta's bracelet was the perfect thing to wear.

But for her last day, she didn't want to be invisible.

So on her right hand, middle finger, lay her sister Rio's favourite ring. Lily could almost picture Rio reacting to her jewellery choice.

Oh you're going out with a bang are you Lilsey? You're wearing my 'gonna-invoke-some-envy' ring! Who are you going to punch this time? Remember to tuck your thumb against your fist!

Lily fidgeted as she crossed Nova High's gates, the ring rough in her fingers. She wasn't used to it but she wanted to be more like Rio today. She didn't want to let her last day just slip by, not really.

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