Birthday Gift [Kuro/Mahiru]

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(A/N: OH MY GOD, THIS IS SO LATE! This was supposed to be for Mahiru's birthday but procrastination and writer's block got the better of me. ;-;

Anyways, I apologise for the delay and have this KuroMahi smut for all of you thirsty readers! And by the way, this is quite long so bare with me on this one.

Oh yeah and, the video on top provides an idea of how Mahiru's moans would sound like because I'm pretty sure that his voice actor, Takuma Terashima, is one of the voices in here. The higher-pitched male voice of the two is probably him.

And Kaji Yuki's BLCDs are pretty famous as well so it's easy to find his one to know how Kuro would moan as well! XD)


It was drawing closer, Kuro could feel it.

Every second the clock mounted on the wall ticked by, a second draws him ever closer to his enigma, and Kuro wished, for just awhile, for just enough time so that he could wrap his thoughts around it and actually think for once, that the world's clock would stop ticking by and freeze.

And the very enigma that he was currently facing was probably very trivial to others yet very much so meant his life for him:

A gift to give Mahiru for his birthday that was tomorrow.

He sighed and grumbled shortly after, appearing very distressed and kind of intimidating to anybody else who would approach him at the moment, and he ran a hand through his light blue locks, contemplating everything in his life.

He scanned his surroundings and took in the environment that he was in; it was a simple coffee shop that was nearby Mahiru's house and served great and delicious coffee ('Duh,' he thought,'it was a  coffee shop after all.' ) and cakes.

He and Mahiru would always pass by this shop and order a small cake if they were feeling down or just felt hungry, and it never failed to appease their sweet tooth's and appetite.

'A cake, huh,' He thought to himself,'Should I get Mahiru a cake too? But wouldn't he prefer it if I baked one myself because of something called 'sentimental value'? I can't bake at all though... I feel that I'd just end up baking poison instead... But it's the thought that counts right?'

He sighed again, burying his face into his palms as the clock continued ticking by, and he remembered why he had landed himself in his current predicament.

What was his current predicament, you may ask?

Well, he's waiting for two of his troublesome brothers that may or may not be a little bit more experienced in this field than he was, but that was to be expected as he had no experience at all whatsoever; he had been alone for centuries and this was the first time he would buy a gift for someone not out of formalities.

It was because he wanted to.

Mahiru had been the first person to make him open up about his flaws, his insecurities and his past, and he was someone that he cherished greatly. And he wanted to show that he was grateful that he had picked him up that day.

He wanted to let Mahiru know how much he loved him.

He gulped that thought down as he shook his head; he and Mahiru weren't lovers yet or whatsoever, so he can't really say that... But he really wanted to make him his and let him know that he was his alone, and his only.

But, well, he didn't really know if Mahiru felt the same way or not, and it ached his heart to swallow the painful pill.

He wanted to see Mahiru grow up. He wanted to see him age. He wanted him to be free and snatch a girl for himself if he was lucky. He wanted him to start a family. He wanted Mahiru's happiness to shine brighter than any sun.

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