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Edited by Goddamnit_Kyle.


"Stels, don't you think it's about time you get yourself a boyfriend?" I ask while munching my fries as Ethan shifts uncomfortably at my question and coughed loudly.

"Nope. I am doing just fine without one." She shrugged after a brief pause. I know that she's probably wondering why I have a sudden interest in her love life. Well, things you have to do when you have an cupid's arrow ready to shoot.

"But you'll be happier with someone by your side." I insisted as I dunked my fries in ketchup.

I love ketchup.

"I have you and this idiot by my side."

"You know what I'm talking about, Stels." I sighed, giving her a flat look.

"Why are we even talking about this?"

"No reason." I shrug nonchalantly and glance around the cafeteria. Klaus texted me, saying they had detention something along the lines of throwing a fit in the classroom and talking back.

It's been a long time since just the three of us ate lunch together. As much as I love the peace and quiet, I kind of miss them. Blaze's unaware craziness, Klaus' dad-talks, and Dante's flirting.


He left last night after our unexpected hug, leaving me stunned with the ghost of his lips still on mine. I was only brought out of my trance by none other than- Ethan the Great.

We've been growing a lot closer and I've been really enjoying being kinda friends with him. It was fun teasing him and see him get so riled up easily. My favourite part was to look at his face when Ethan flirts with me, it's worth paying for.

The bell rang, yanking me back to reality. I stood up immediately as an idea popped into my head. She's never going to willingly agree to go on a date with Ethan. However, if I asked her to come with me on a double date, then it's all game. I'll probably get a bunch of death threats from her, but it's not going to be anything physical, so it was all good.

"Hey, Stels?" I asked, pulling her off to the side.

"What's up?"

"I need a favor. Can you come with me somewhere?" I say as I throw my trash away.

"Yeah, of course. Where?"

"On a date." She stopped dead in her tracks, making Ethan bump into her. Before she could face-plant on the food-covered floor, he grabbed her waist to steady her. She crashed into his chest and my heart sighed at how adorable they are. All I could feel at that moment was— Aww.

She lightly pushed him away, her hands lingering slightly before falling away. "You mean to say, that you," she points at me skeptically, "are going on a date?"

"Yes, Stels. I'm going on a date."

"Like a date date?"

"Yeah! It's not that hard to believe. Yes, I am going on a date." I say, trying not to be annoyed.

"I didn't mean to say it like that, sorry. It's just, wow. Who is it with?"

"Oh no, don't tell me it's him." Ethan butts in. I nod my head a little too excitedly.

"Oh come on babe! It was just getting started. I want to annoy him more." I smack the back of his head for being an idiot.

"Stop troubling the poor guy."

He scoffed. "Poor and him? Oh please! It doesn't even sound real."

"What's going on between you two?" I asked as Stella looked at both of us with confusion. I could see she was getting annoyed.

"What's going on between you two? I just don't like him." Ethan grumbled.


"Well I don't know, maybe because that fucker pushed me while I was sleeping!"

"You still haven't let go of that?"

"Why the fuck would I? He ruined my beauty sleep!" Before I could reply, Stella slapped one hand on his mouth and the other on mine.

"Will you guys please shut the fuck up and tell me what's going on?!" She yelled angrily. A mischievous smirk spread across Ethan's face.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Did she not tell you what happened that night?" He smirked, taunting her and her face burned a bright shade of red. He was seriously pissing her off and it was clearly visible. He moved slightly closer towards her and whispered in her ear, "Maybe I'm becoming the best friend now."

"Shut the fuck up, asshole." She spat angrily before pushing him with force. Of course he didn't even budge.

"Make me." He winked at her. She balled her hands in frustration at his comment.

"Don't fuck with me."

"I'd love to fuck you, baby." They are in that zone now where they once start arguing, they completely forget where they are or who they're with and just keep on fighting like the best friends they are.

It's pretty cute, though.

"You-" She started. Before this could escalate, I pulled them away from each other. I gave Ethan the 'shut up' look before turning to Stella with pleading eyes.

"Please come with me on a date with Dante. It's my first date and I really don't want to go alone. What if I say something stupid? I'm really nervous." A look of hesitation crossed her face. I gave her the best puppy eyes I could muster.

"I don't want to be a third wheel and ruin the fun, Lynnie." That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Perfect. Everything is going according to plan.

"Well, how about we make it a double date?" I suggest.

"A double date? With who?"

"Ethan." I replied nonchalantly.

And that is when all hell broke loose.


Hola, there!

I know there's no appearance of The Three in this chapter, but sometimes it's cool to let the other characters be in charge too.

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