Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke earlier than usual the next day to find Dylan already wake; he was sat next to me, his back against the headboard and was staring at the opposite wall, a frown on his face.

“Hey,” I said sleepily, rubbing my eyes and squinting at Dylan. His face softened and he gave me a cute, lazy smile.

“Hi,” he said quietly.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked as he shuffled back down under the covers next to me.

He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, and I thought he might just shrug his shoulders and say it was nothing. But then, I remembered, this is Dylan were talking about.

“Life. Back home. School.” I waited. “Jayme.”

I felt him stiffen next to me, waiting for my reaction.

I didn’t know how to react. I trusted Dylan, and that trust gave me no reason to be jealous of Jayme. However, I didn’t know Jayme, and I guess if I were to feel jealous it would have to be that Jayme was Dylan’s first. But I could also be angry; angry that Jayme didn’t realise how lucky he was to have that honour, and that Jayme abused Dylan’s trust and kindness, and his love.

Despite the possible anger and jealousy, I was mainly curious.

“What about Jayme?” I asked calmly.

Dylan sighed. “I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t have a reason to think about him at all lately but after Cally phoned...”

This time he shrugged and pulled the covers over his head. I tried to hold back a laugh as I tried to pull the covers off him, not succeeding. I opted for the better option and pulled the covers over my head too. I turned so we were facing each other, Dylan’s hair tickling my face.

“You just going to hide under here?” I asked.

“Might as well, what could I possibly want out there?”

I took him by surprise and kissed him.

You’re doing that a lot lately, Alec.

When he reached out to cup my face I pulled away quickly, threw back the covers and leaped towards the bathroom.

“You’re right,” I called while making my way into the bathroom, “out here sucks, just you stay under there with everything you could possibly want.”

I stripped off my boxers and threw them on top of Dylan who was still under the covers. I ducked into the bathroom when I saw him pull the covers back and waited with the door still open.

“Alec?” he called.

“Yeah?” I replied, sticking my head round the door. He was sat with the covers round his waist, holding my boxers in one hand and his eyebrow was raised.

I wiggled my eyebrows and waved as he began to get up, and I shut and locked the bathroom door.



By the time we were all packed and ready to go it was nearly lunch time and being hungry and having to put up with Mitch’s car sing-a-long extravaganza is not a good combination. We went to McDonalds drive thru and after Sally eventually made up her mind we were back on the road. We made it home in good time and after we dropped off Sally and Mitch we were headed over to Dylan’s.

“Shit!” I cursed. “I need to phone my mum first to let her know I’m staying at yours,” I said to Dylan. He pulled over as I dialled her.

“Hey mum, it’s Alec.”

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