~Chapter 6: Wicked Game~

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When they returned inside the mansion, Alaric was standing in the foyer with his arms crossed, muscles flexed taut. His imposing stature mirrored the look on his face, which was hardened like stone, emanating the cool fire that burned beneath.

He knew what had happened and was furious for many reasons. What transpired wasn't at all how he wanted Vanessa to learn of the monstrous world she belonged (that's if she was ignorant at all). The king had done well in ruining his intentions, acting far quicker than anticipated.

Then again, thwarting 'best-laid plans' was his brother's specialty.

The sudden escalation in violence proved just how little time there was left before he made his next move. There simply was too many moving parts surrounding the king's warpath.

Alaric would have to be calculated, fast, and ruthless if he was to prevent his little witch (or huntress) from becoming a pawn in that wicked game... even if it meant being a tyrant before her friend.

Standing right beside him was who Vanessa figured to be Dr. Morgan, the in-house physician. The thin, nerdy-looking man ran over to them and grabbed Maurice, taking him to fix his wound, leaving Vanessa to face Alaric's inquisition alone.

The tension in the air stuck to her skin like the humid hell of a monsoon summer.

Despite his lack of sight, Alaric's gaze managed to pierce straight into her soul, making her gulp down a thorny knot of dread.

She wondered if in that moment he could actually see her face—see the mix of fear and defiance that swirled in her hazel eyes.

His stare was unwavering and filled with accusations.

She puzzled over what she could have done to make him distrust her so suddenly.

"Are you alright, Vanessa?" He coldly asked.

There wasn't an ounce of compassion in his tone. He was only asking out of obligation so he could move on to interrogate her.

But, why? She wondered.

"I'm fine." She replied just as cold.

Alaric's demeanor was like bitter ice as he jumped straight to the point. "Maurice told me about the hunter's blade."

Wait—what's the problem with the knife and when could he have snitched?! Her mind reeled.

Maurice had made no contact with him outside of the emergency phone call, saying he was injured and on the way. So how did Alaric find out? Were the two of them telepathic?? After what Vanessa had just experienced she wasn't ruling anything out.

"Yeah, what about the knife?" She blurted back defensive. A move that didn't play well in her favor.

Alaric went on. "Where did you get a weapon like that?"

What did it matter?? She yelled in her head. Vanessa felt like she was being interrogated for a crime.

"My dad gave it to me for my 18th birthday, why?" She answered, attempting to stay calm. She remembered Maurice's words about not lying.

Unbeknownst to her, there was calculated reason behind Alaric's interrogation. He knew that she was both a witch and the daughter of Belmont hunters, which meant she had the power to potentially camouflage the thoughts of her true objective... (provided she was even a hunter).

The only way to know if her answers were genuine was to break her down emotionally and read her body language. Something Alaric despised doing.
He wished he could just compel her into telling the truth, but that would be futile if she was using a cognitive cloaking spell.

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