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The ride back was silent.

For Harry, it was a type of silence you can sit in and be comfortable. Hearing the person next to you breathe and being in their company without having to have a conversation to feel at peace.

For Louis, the silence was deafening. His mind was couldn't seem to stop screaming at him and shoving his mistakes in his face.

How could he not know that subs had all their property removed as soon as they gained a dom? How the fuck was he suppose to fix this? Could he fix it? Was this a fixable thing?

The fact that Louis had no idea told him everything he needed to know. The media, some fans, old friends...they were all right. He would never be a competent dominant.

They were arriving back to the hotel when flashes began to blind them.

Louis groaned in frustration,"Great. Just what I needed, the paps."

Harry bit his lip nervously at the tone of Louis' voice,"They can't follow us into the hotel parking lot, we just have to deal with trying to get in there without them getting in front of the car."

Louis sighed,"I know. Look down at your feet, please. Don't look up until I say you can, alright?"

"Yes, Sir." Harry did as instructed, playing with his hands as a distraction from the commotion going on.

Louis hates having to have Harry do things like that.

How could he treat Harry like he deserves to be treated while being out in public and still be seen as a strong dominant?

Louis was going through a constant struggle of balancing having a sub in the spotlight and not being a complete dickhead to the man he was beginning to love.

Paparazzis were crowding in front of the car, snapping picture after picture of the recently matched couple.

Louis blasted the horn obnoxiously, the car moving slowly and the paps slowly getting out of the way to avoid being hit.

They made it past the crowd, they could still see the flashes coming from behind but they were finally inside the parking lot.

"When we get inside the hotel, go with Zayn, okay? I need to speak with Niall." Louis drove the car into their reserved parking,"I'll text you when you can come to our room, sound good?"

Harry nodded nervously, not knowing what to make of his dom basically sending him away,"Yes, Sir."

They took their time getting out of the car, safe from the flashes and screams from the paps. They walked silently next to each other, the moment slightly uncomfortable and tense.

Once they were inside the hotel, Louis turned to Harry,"You know where Zayn's room is?"

Harry nodded,"Yes, uh, if Justin is still there do I come back to you or ask to stay with them?"

"I'll text him, love." Louis said, already taking his phone out,"I'll see you in a bit, okay?"

With that, the pair went their separate ways.

Harry felt anxious, his heart a beat faster than normal, palms sweaty, mind racing. He had no idea why his Dom would send him away like this. Maybe he had made him uncomfortable? Hopefully it wasn't him at all.

There was rapid knocks on the door,"Niall? You in there, mate?" a muffled voice sounded through the door.

"Yeah!" Niall responded,"Come in!"

Louis let himself in,"I'm going crazy, lad. I have questions for you."

Niall raised his eyebrows in confusion,"Oh? What about?"

"Dominant stuff." Louis stated,"I just learned that all of Harry's money is actually going to me now?"

Niall nodded,"Yes? It'll be that way unless you tell the employer, which would be Simon, that it is fine for Harry to have his own check separate from yours."

"So it can be changed then." Louis asked for confirmation.

"Mmhm." Niall said,"Why are you asking this anyhow? I thought you knew of this."

Louis sighed, bringing his hands up to rub his face in frustration,"I didn't know. Troy left before telling me anything and I'm guessing Mark assumed Troy had educated me on this.

"Here I was, thinking I knew everything there was to know about being a good Dom and I don't even know half the basics."

"Have you given Harry permission to talk to his family yet?" Niall asked, caution in his voice.

Louis' head snapped right to Niall, eyes wide,"Have I what?!"

Niall grimaced at the scream,"When a sub is first matched, they can't contact their family until their Dom says it's okay to do so."

Louis groaned,"Anne is gonna hate me! She's probably worried sick!"

"Don't fret, Louis." Niall said,"Having a sub is hard."

Louis shook his head,"Everyone else makes it look easy. You, Justin, Liam. Maybe I'm not cut out for this, mate." He sighed,"Harry deserves better."

"And who exactly is better?" Niall rolled his eyes at Louis,"Nick Grimshaw?"

Louis glared at Niall,"Of course not, any Dom is better than Grimshaw, he didn't set the bar very high."

Niall chuckled,"Look, mate," he put his hand on Louis' shoulder,"The IMS matched Harry with you, not anyone else, you. When has the IMS ever been wrong?"

"Never." Louis responded,"But there's always a first time."

"Come off it, lad!" Niall exclaimed,"Harry and you are amazing together. You two are going to change the world. The world's power couple."

Louis smiled,"Yeah, we kinda are aren't we?"

"Took my Shawn and I out of the limelight, that's for sure." Niall rolled his eyes playfully,"Do you have anymore questions?"

Louis blew a raspberry,"Is there anything else I should know?"

Niall thought for a second,"Uh, paparazzi won't be so hard on you if you post constant pictures of you two being a traditional Dom/sub couple. Learned that after I posted a picture of Shawn kneeling while I sat on the couch."

"Really?" Louis asked,"That's surprising, I didn't think there was anything in the world that made paps not be douches."

Niall shrugged,"The more you know."

Half my characters got cancelled in the time it took me to update.

Winter break is soon, actually going to update more consistently now :) x

Thank you for being patient, the best is yet to come :)

IM SEEING LOUIS ON JULY 17 AND HARRY ON SEPTEMBER 3! Will I be meeting some of you? 👀

IM SEEING LOUIS ON JULY 17 AND HARRY ON SEPTEMBER 3! Will I be meeting some of you? 👀

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