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Are you awake?

It would be great if this was one of those times you were up working late since you're so obsessed with your job.

Okay fine, you leave me no choice...

"H-hello?" A muffled voice on the other end answered.

"Finally; I thought you'd still be up--" Aria breathed a sigh of relief when Tom finally picked up the phone. 

"It's almost midnight, I'm in bed--is everything alright?" He could be heard shifting in bed and Aria selfishly wondered if he was naked.

"No everything is not alright and...I'd like to see you. Can you meet?" 

This time he took a bit longer to answer. She must've awoken him from a deep sleep because his voice was hoarse and he sounded disoriented as he mumbled on the other end. Aria hadn't been able to rest since Brody barged into The Cafe in the afternoon, after that she had been too upset to stay and left immediately. With Tom not texting to wonder where she was there was a worry that their previous texts had warrant him not to come over last night. 

"Aria can't this wait till the afternoon? I'll come by and we can have some coffee--" 

"No, this can't wait. I have him on tape, I got him Tom - I freaking got him!" Aria whispered to not awake her mother, even though the four glasses of wine had her sleeping soundly. 

"You have him? The guy who--how on earth did that happen?" Tom stuttered through his sentence as covers was heard being moved and feet put on a creaking floor. 

"He came to the cafe this afternoon while I was waiting for you. Thankfully I had my phone to record our conversation." She was shaking when thinking of Brody standing in front of her. 

"He came to your workplace?! I'm out of bed and getting dressed; where do you want to meet?" Tom sounded stressed as he breathed harshly into the speaker.

Aria hadn't given much thought to where to meet him but what better place than the empty cafe, at least there she could guarantee that they were alone. Yet at the mention of Tom putting clothes on she instantly shifted focus as she got her answer to whether he was naked or not.

"You're not dressed in bed?" She blurt out before she had a chance to control her lust filled mind. 

Tom came to a sudden halt when Aria asked the question and she bit her thumbnail while waiting for an answer from him. His answer came in the form of a groan.

"Aria..." was all he mumbled.

"I'll be at the cafe in a few, meet me there." Aria said before hanging up the phone to throw herself out of bed and into a comfortable yet cute outfit. 


The street where The Cafe was on looked like a ghost town at night. Aria had never been here before the morning shift let alone in the dead of night but there was something about this ghost like town that felt romantic. The foggy streets that dimmed the signs, the dimmed street lights and utter silence that embraced her had Aria feeling flustered. To know that Tom would be here shortly excited her and the knowledge of being alone with him caused that excitement to cross over to danger. 

In her mother's little back office Aria found candles, that was meant to be used in the event of a power out, and set them up on the table they usually sit at. There was concern that it appeared too date-like but Aria didn't care, she didn't want to draw too much attention to the cafe at night or attention to the two of them. The decorative mirror on one of thew walls stole her attention briefly as she made sure her almond colored hair looked as neatly as it had when she'd left the house. Her fresh face, without make up, looked as innocent as ever to her dismay but since the obstacle also known as high school was still between them she feared that makeup wouldn't have mattered anyway. 

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