Chapter 21

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The first thing I became aware of was the strange position I was in. By now I already knew that I preferred to sleep on my stomach. Yet this morning I woke up curled on my right side. My right hand was nestled underneath my cheek; a position that cut off the circulation into my hand.

This is why the first thing I did, even before I opened my eyes, was to lift my head and pull my hand back. With it squeezed against my chest, I waited for the tingles to first appear and then disappear. Once I laid my head back down, however, I became aware of another strange sensation. An unexplained weight pressing on my waist.

A tiny part of my brain was telling me to open my eyes and check what the strange feeling was. But the bigger part of me was still too sleepy to do such a thing. After all, my internal clock was telling me it was still too early for me to be even conscious.

Just when I began to drift back off, the weight disappeared. Instead, an annoying itch tickled my cheek. Something warm brushed against my skin and then my hair, but I quickly swatted it away. I rolled over onto my left side and nestled even deeper into the blanket.

"You're really not a morning person, are you?" Something hot molded itself against my back.

A light hum squeezed through my throat when a warm breath tickled my neck. The same lips then lowered, until they brushed against my skin. They sent a swarm of electrical sparks all over my body, which intensified as a warm hand slid around my waist and rested on my stomach. A surprisingly bare stomach.

My eyes flew wide open as every detail of last night knocked against my brain. I tried to squirm out of Theo's hold, but all it did was make him flip us over. While I was now lying on my back, he was looming less than three inches above me.

"Good morning." A slow grin extended his lips.

I narrowed my eyes up at him. "What time is it?"

"Just past eight." He lowered his head until his lips brushed against mine.

Despite the sparks and my humming delight, I plastered my hands against his chest and pushed him away. "Get out."

"You can go back to sleep. I don't mind."

Without giving me time to respond, he lowered back down and softly pecked my nose. The next kiss followed on my cheek, and he continued all the way up, until he reached my ear. With each touch he caused an explosion of sparks to light all over my body.

This, of course, made me unable to fall back asleep. This and the fact that he looked and acted completely relaxed at not waking up alone in bed. A small wrinkle formed between my eyebrows while I tried to figure out just how often he woke up next to someone else.

"That is no expression to wear this early in the morning." His lips moved in between my eyebrows.

Unwillingly my eyes fluttered close and I tried to shoo my thoughts away. Who cares about all the women that came before me. What mattered was for me to enjoy the little alone time we finally had. However, as always my brain refused to follow my lead.

"Just how often do you wake up next to someone?"

He moved a few inches upwards, using his muscular arms for support. "What?"

"You seem so at ease to waking up in the same bed as me. It makes me wonder how often you find yourself with company at night."

His smirk vanished, and he silently observed me for a moment. Then with a sigh he rose into a sitting position. "I'm not claiming I've never had sex, because that would be stupid. I'm twenty-three years old and you're twenty-two. We've both seen the world."

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