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"Maryam Sometimes you are a mood spoiler. I was happy today but you... You spoil my mood." He said with frustration. Holding her wrist he lift her right hand and placed the polythene of apples on her palm before moving towards the bed.


Aatish was angry from last night as I was so with him. I didn't talk to him, I made breakfast and placed in front of him, before he could say or do something I again stepped in the kitchen.

I was cleaning the gas stove when I jumped on my place because his both arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Placing his chin on my shoulder he kissed my cheek.

"Mera jungli gulab" He tried to tease me.

(My wild rose)

"Don't you talk to me, I hate you.. I'm your mood spoiler. right? Then leave me" I tried to made myself free from his grip but he kissed and bite the crook of my neck giving me shives in my whole frame.

"If not with my rose then with whom I'll talk?" He asked and I turned to face him.

"Aatish, that was impossible for me to tolerate hunger, and I was eating potato her but you were eating lavish dinner. Is this your love!!" I angrily asked him rightfully and he sighed.

"Yaar Rose.... Ammi and baba insisted me for dinner that's why I couldn't refuse otherwise I wanted to take my dinner with you." His words and kiss made my heart melted and nodded with a hint of agreement on my face

"Aatish..." My sentance was cutted off by my husband when he cupped my cheeks with both hands and kissed my forehead.

"Had apples or not?" He asked and I shook my head while showungy anger.

"You gave those apples with so much love..." I said as a satire while rolling my eyes and he narrowed his eyes with a smile. "You and your demands." He took back steps and picked the apple from basket, he cut that after washing it and I was watching him with a smile.

"He took a slice to my mouth and I bit a small piece from that, then he bit the same slice of apple and passed the remaining slice to me which I consumed with a smile. 

"Wants to go on dinner?" He asked and I nodded with a with a smile.

"Don't you have to go to your home?" I asked and he nodded with a smile and I felt sad "But I'll do a little cheating, I'll call baba from office that I have to do night shift.. And I'll do my night shift with my wife" He said playfully and I smiled after giving him small kiss on his cheek.

"Be ready, we will go for dinner today" I nodded joyfully and her left the home after few minutes. I did all my household works, which didn't took much time. There were only two were in the home so there wasn't many work load on me, but I was frustrated while watching the plane walls of this small house, there weren't anyone with whom I talk, I thought to go to meet aunty (Aatish's friend's mother) but I didn't got courage to visit someone's home.

I only had my diary I use to pour out the feelings of my heart on that.


"Order madam..." Aatish said when we were sitting in restaurant and I picked up the menu card. I saw my favourite dish but after looking at that's rate I smiled sadly and tried to find out the cheapest dish but I didn't wanted to consume that dish. I passed the menu card to Aatish

"You place order"

"What do you want to eat?" He asked and I replied honestly what I wanted. "But its okay... We can eat anything else too" I added and he shook his head.

My Mom's Personal Diary ✔️(Complete) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ