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Once the t.v was turned on I started to flip threw the channels tell I found MTV. I started to watch "girl code and ridicules". It was about 12:00 when I looked at the clock.

"Wow, it already 12:00" I said out loud "I probably should get to bed" I thought as I plugged in my phone to charge. After plugging my phone into the blue wire I went up stairs to my room. I opened my white door and walked into the green and blue color room shutting the door behind me. I went over to my black dresser and opened the top drawer that had all my PJs. I walked over to the window and closed it and shut the zebra print curtains. After getting dressed I walked over to my desk and grabbed my brush and started to brush my hair that was in a knot. After ten minutes of brushing my hair I walked to my bathroom that is across from my room. I grabbed my red tooth and started to brush my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I shut of the light and walked back into my room turning on the T.V and then turning off the light. I walked over to my bed and crawled under the blanks. It was about 1:00 am when I fell asleep.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I groaned and hit the snooze button on my clock. "Ugh I forgot to turn the alarm clock off" I thought to myself. I was just about to go to sleep again tell...BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! I grabbed my alarm clock and threw it onto the floor. I sighed when it was silent and started to fall asleep again....BEEP BEEP BEEP! I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my battery runed alarm clock, opened my window and threw it into the forest. I heard a crash from the alarm clock.

"Guess I am not sleeping in" I grumbled as I started to walk down stairs in my PJs. I walked into my kitchen and started to make some pancakes. I walked into the living room with a plate of pancakes after 30 minutes. I put the plate down and walked back into the kitchen to get water and maple syrup, because who could have pancakes without maple syrup! I sat on the couch and poured the maple syrup on the golden brown pancakes. I turned on the T.V and started to eat my breakfast while watching "F.R.I.E.N.D.S". After eating and cleaning up my breakfast I walked back into the living room and grabbed my phone that was charging. I looked at my phone to see that I had a 3 new messages, I unlocked my phone and opened the messages only to see that they were from the guy.

"Hello love, I just want to tell you my plane is almost done. I will have you soon." I started to shake.

"Are you ignoring me now?"

"You have ten minutes to text me. If you don't there will be a punishment." I looked at the time I got it 10:05, it was 10:14. I panicked slightly for before testing him

"What do you want" It sent right at 10:15. Almost in an instant I got a reply.

"Why didn't you text me back tell now?" Wow he needs to get a life.

"I just looked at my messages"

"Don't do it again" I snapped at that

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!" I typed fed up with this.

"Don't be like that say you are sorry."

"No. I don't have to do anything you say I am done and I am calling the cops." I sent I wasn't really going to call the cops I was just hoping to get rid of him. He had not text me all day, "finally I thought maybe he left" It was about 30 minutes later when the show stopped and went to news

"Breaking new person found dead in an ally" This got my attention.

"Cops indemnify the person as Rosalie... She died of blood loss being stabbed 8 times" The camera went to her body. Her eyes were staring up into the sky dead and dull. Her blond hair was matted and full of mud grass and blood. Her shirt that was white now is red from all the blood. You can see where the knife had stabbed her. Two stab wounds in the stomach one on each hand one on each leg, one on her head and the last one was her heart. I turned off the T.V not able to listen any more. Tears made their way into my eyes as a couple ran down my cheek. "Was this the punishment the guy was talking about? Was this the my fault?" I kept asking myself. I felt my phone vibrate I grabbed my phone and unlocked my phone to my messages. It was from the guy.

"This is what happens when you be disobedient. This will be your punishment" My eyes widen, so this is my fault. I thought.

"Y?" was all I could type.

"You were being disobedient" It read

"Now open all the curtains" I sighed as I did what the message said afraid of what would happen if I don't.

I went back to my phone to see that I had got a text from the guy.

"Good girl! Now say you love me." I didn't want to but I had to.

"I love you"

"I love you too! Good bye love."

For the whole day I stayed inside and cried till I had no more tears left. I didn't get any sleep that night,I was too scared and sad.

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