6 - Strawberry Milkshake

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It wasn't till I was in a car seat and I had a seat belt wrapped around me that I didn't feel like I was drowning. Sometimes it is funny that being constricted can make you feel safer.

"In and out. Slowly. Yes, just like that. You're going to be okay."

I tried to match my breathing with the person who was holding my hands. After my breath came out slowly with them and then back in without shaking, they let go. I could not tell how long it had taken.

Then a person was beside me again, and tissue was shoved into my crunched up palm. I gratefully accepted it, and I patted my eyes, trying to breathe slowly. My body felt like it was humming, but I could feel my toes again, and gradually the rest of my body came to life. I blinked, and my eyes were clear again.

"Yes, good. You're okay," The man beside me said. I could hear again, and the noise of the car started to come alive. The vehicle was in motion. I could feel its power beneath me.

I looked out the window as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Eli?" I said softly. My voice cracked. My throat felt raw.

"Mm-hmm," he replied. I looked at him, but he kept his eyes on the road.

I looked out the window too, and my breathing felt normal. I did not ask where we were going because every second I was away from school, away from Jackson, I felt better.

It did not take long to get our destination. We were at the same diner that my dad and I had gone to just four days earlier.

Eli turned off the car, and he leaned towards me, my heart picked up the pace, but the excitement was short-lived. He unbuckled my seat belt. I tried to keep myself from blushing. Even after a panic attack, I had my hopes up of this boy taking as much of an interest in me than I had in him.

Unfortunately, he noticed my red cheeks and looked at me with concern. I looked down, embarrassed, kicking my backpack that was sitting at my feet.

I did not move until Eli did. When he opened his car door, I followed suit with my own. Slowly, as I still felt slightly lightheaded, even if I was feeling much better.

Eli was at my car door by the time it was fully opened. "Oh, I was going to.."

I cut him off. "It's okay, thank you, though," I said softly, deliberately, making sure my voice was steady.

He still looked concerned, and he stayed beside me as I exited the car, taking my backpack with me. He closed the door for me, and I smiled, thanks. It was kind of him to care.

Before I could protest, he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me towards the diner. I know he was doing it because he was worried I was falling; he was just cautious, but the touch was feather-light, and it gave me butterflies deep in my stomach.

I gulped. In my many years of crushing on Mike, he had never given me this feeling.

I smiled when he opened the diner door. He didn't seem like the same fiery boy who beat up Jackson in front of my locker just a few days ago.

We sat down at a booth near the back of the diner. I sat down first, and Eli sat down across from me.

A waiter was with us immediately. She had white curly hair with a fun hat placed on top. She looked like she belonged in the movie Grease. "What can I get you two?" She asked.

"I'll get a strawberry milkshake," said Eli, and he looked pointedly at me.

I cleared my throat, "I'll get the same."

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