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Me, Legoshi, and Kibi walked down the long hallway to a giant metal door. As soon as we reached the door the smell of flowers filled my nose and a hint of a herbivore's scent, but with the smell of the flowers it was hard to figure out what animal was on the other side of the door. Legoshi reaches out to the door and opened it, looking at me and motioning me inside. I gave him a small thank you and walked through the door, Kibi following.

As soon as I stepped through the door, the scent of flowers grew stronger. I looked around to see tons of different types of flowers in the flower beds.

"Can I help you guys?" A voice said from in front of us. Legoshi closed the door and smiled at the animal.

"Hey, Haru. We're here to pick up some roses," Legoshi said.

"Oh crap, I just remembered I have an errand to do! I'll buy the ant shakes next time, Legoshi!" Kibi said before running out of the door, leaving me and Legoshi standing there awkwardly.

"So, you guys need flowers? Well, I can't be giving my flowers away for free, Legoshi. I need some help moving stuff," the rabbit, Haru said. I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed like she was pretending that I wasn't there at all.

"Sure, we can help. Right (Y/N)?" Legoshi said, looking at me.

"Sure, I don't see why not," I replied. Haru nodded and started walking deeper into the area we were in. We all stopped by an spot that had around five potted plants.

"Can you move those by the shed? There isn't much light right here," Haru said, smiling at Legoshi. 'Does she... like him? Nah, she's a rabbit, there's no way she could have a crush on a wolf.'

"Sure," Legoshi simply replied. I watched as Haru ran behind him and grabbed his tail, putting the strap of his suspenders over his tail.

"Can't have this monsterous tail knocking over my plants," Haru giggled. I bit my tongue to try and not say anything, but in my head I was thinking 'get away from him you little rabbit before I shove that plant up your butt'. I'm not even sure why I was thinking like that. Is it jealousy? Am I jealous of a rabbit?! Nahhh.

I started doing what Legoshi was doing, picking up one of the potted plants and carrying it to where Haru wanted it. The whole time I saw Haru taking multiple glances at Legoshi. Each time she did that I always held back a growl, after all she is a herbivore and I'm a carnivore.

Haru walked off to go do something and me and Legoshi walked back to get the last plant pots. "(Y/N)? Are you ok? You've been really quiet ever since we got here," Legoshi asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, shrugging his hand off of me, refusing to make eye contact. I turned around to grab another plant.

"Yeah, no you're not. What's wrong?" Legoshi stepped in front of me.

"I said I'm fine. Just let it go," I growl. Why am I getting angry? Does he not notice that Haru likes him? Wait, do I like him?! Nahhh.

"How about this, when we finish these plants, we can go down to the cafeteria and I'll get you something to get your mind off of whatever you're mad about," Legoshi offered. God, why is he being so nice to me?

"Whatever. Can you move so I can move that plant?" I asked, my voice monotoned. Legoshi sighed and moved over, picking up the second to last plant sitting in front of us. I picked up the last one and we carried it to the other plants.

"You must be tired, Legoshi. Come on inside to cool off," Haru said after Legoshi set down the plant.

"Oh, sure. Come on (Y/N)-," Legoshi started to say but was interrupted.

"There's actually something I need to discuss. Privately," Haru said, glaring at me when she finished the sentence.

"Oh, um ok. I'll be out in a minute, (Y/N)," Legoshi said. He looked at me with confusion and slight nervousness in his eyes. Does he like the rabbit?

Haru smiled at Legoshi and grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shed.

I stood out here for what seemed like hours when I decided to knock on the sliding door to the shed. I made my way to the door but was kinda scarred with what I saw. (The curtain was slightly open, open enough to look inside)

Haru was clothes-less and was putting her hands onto Legoshi's pants.

I didn't get to see Legoshi's face, but I didn't care. But I guess Haru saw me. We made eye contact and I saw her eyes widen slightly, but her face went back to normal in a instant. She smirked at me and continued doing whatever she was doing. I snarled at her through the door and I turned around, walking back to the exit. I heard the door open, what I assume was Legoshi yelp, and I heard him call out my name. But of course I ignored him, running through the door and making my way to the stairs.

"(Y/N)! Wait for a second! It wasn't what it looked like I swear!" I heard Legoshi call out. I continued to ignore him as I ran down the stairs. I saw Kibi waiting at the bottom and he looked at me confused.

"You ok, (Y/N)?" Kibi asked.

"Oh I'm just perfect," I say, putting a fake smile on. "I remembered that I offered to help my friends practice for volleyball, so I need to go."

(I got a suggestion from someone about Asahi and Hinata and the club that they were in. Originally they were in a karate club but if you got the reference *cough cough haikyuu cough*, then you would know that Asahi and Hinata are characters in a volleyball club. So yeah, they are now in a volleyball club)

"Oh, ok. See ya later then," Kibi said.

I started to run as fast as I could down the hall, getting a couple of strange looks from other students. I was so close to the exit until I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Let me go!" I growl at Legoshi. Damn him and his long legs.

"No! You don't understan-," Legoshi started to say.

"Don't understand what, that a rabbit was gonna fuck a wolf?!" I yell at him. I don't know why I was so mad.

"Nothing was happening! I never said that I wanted to!" Legoshi said.

"Oh but you were letting a rabbit try and seduce you?" I remark. "Let me go now."

"I'm not letting go," Legoshi said, tightening his grip. I decided the only way to make him let go was to put my acting skills to the test.

"Legoshi, stop! You're hurting me!" I start to whine, tears in the corners of my eyes. I felt his grip loosen slightly, so I took the chance to rip my arm out of his grasp.

"(Y/N), please. I'm sorry, I swear nothing was happening. I don't even like her, I only see her as a friend," Legoshi said, sadness in his face.

"I think I should go," I mutter, rubbing my wrist and turning away. I didn't realize how close we got to the door, so I opened it and walked out.

A.N: sorry for the short chapter, I try to make the chapters 1600+ words but I just didn't know how to continue without writing like 1000 more words. (This one has 1270 words)

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