Chapter 18: A Blond Boy's Heart (part 1)

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About 3 months have passed since the whole fainting incident.

Although nothing else out of the ordinary has happened, Karlyle's protective gears were kicked into over-drive and he has been thoroughly glued to Alythia's side ever since.

Also, after the whole Ashbrown incident, almost everyone in her class started avoiding her – Damien being the only exception.

As Alythia opened her bedroom door she saw Karlyle already leaning against the wall waiting for her.

He stretched out his hand, as if inviting her so she merrily walked up to him and intertwined their fingers.

Karlyle smiled at her tenderly before placing the back of her hand against his lips, lightly pressing a kiss to it.

"Kloeye will be visiting today" he said as they made their way to Alythia's class "I'm assuming Tia already has some plan to entertain her?"

She nodded in agreement.

"Yea RayRay and I already have it all figured out. After morning classes I'll dash over to the cafeteria to prepare a picnic basket while RayRay picks up Kloeye at the fountain in the center of the garden. They'll decide on a nice place for us to sit and then wait for me to arrive with the goodies!!". Alythia's eyes beamed with excitement.

Karlyle arched his brow "Does Ray even know what Kloeye looks like?"

"Sure she does. Kloeye has contacted me a few times in hologram form while I was in my room. And RayRay, being her friendly self, just naturally fell into our conversations and started chatting with us"

"Ah" Karlyle nodded. "Well I need to help Blake with something today during the first half of lunch but I'll meet you guys in the garden as soon as I'm done, alright?"

Alythia squeezed the hand that was linked with hers. "uh-hu but hurry up. The food I'm gonna get will be super tasty but if you take too long we girls will devour all of it and there won't be even a single crumb left over for you or Blake. Though I might save some for you, the snake is Ray's problem so I can't be blamed if he starves"

When they finally arrived at her class Alythia caught sight of Damien through the window.

He was already seated and smiled at her as they made eye contact, though his smile seemed a bit strained. She was about to smile back and acknowledge his greeting when Karlyle swiftly turned her around. He placed his one hand on her lower back, slightly lifting her up, while the other hand went behind her head holding it steady as he planted a firm kiss on her lips.

As he deepened the kiss, Alythia's arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.

When he pulled back slightly she could've sworn she noticed him glare at the window behind her. 

"Stay safe okay" he whispered in her ear, before planting one last kiss on her lips and walking off to his own class.

When she sat down she felt Damien's eyes fixed on her. It seemed like he had something he wanted to say.

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