Part 4 :)

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Louis POV
Louis subtly glanced at the clock, he only had a couple minutes left of his interview and so far he'd been able to steer clear of what he'd been hoping to avoid.

"So Louis, here's a question we get quite often," the interviewer said as she took another card with fan questions on them. "Are you currently in a relationship?"

Damn it. Louis thought to himself, he was so close. He sighed and put on a light smile. Preparing for the bombardment of questions that were sure to follow.

"No not at the moment." The interview looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" If he wasn't on live television he would've rolled his eyes.
Um how about because everyone wants me for my fucking money! He thought to himself.

He shrugged, "I don't know, guess I'm just waiting for the right person to come along."

"Do you have a specific type?"

"I guess I like green eyes" he said quickly without thinking. He frowned slightly. He'd never had a type or preference before, where had green eyes come from?

The interviewer nodded, clearly disappointed as she had blue eyes and had been trying to flirt with Louis during most of the interview. Typical. He thought to himself. She didn't like him. She didn't know him. She only knew the famous and rich side of him.

Louis sighed and continued answering fan questions until the interview was over. He looked over at his management and gave them a questionable look, as if asking them if he did ok. Most of them nodded, reassuring Louis. He'd always been scared of messing up during an interview. As soon as he got up Em scurried up next to him.

"Green eyes huh? Where did that come from you've never had a type in the 2 years that I've known and talked to you almost every day" her eyes beaming, "have you finally found someone to fill the loneliness in your heart?" She asked dramatically, placing her to hand to her chest and gazing upwards in a dreamy way. Louis chuckled.

"I wish, I don't actually know where the green eyes came from..." he sighed. "It kinda just came out."

"Right, well I'll see you next week at the game!"

Louis head snapped up, smiling. "You're coming? Finally I've been begging you for years!" Em simply laughed,

"Yeah so don't disappoint me. I'm not dragging my ass to a football game just for you to lose."

Louis laughed and shook his head.
"Always with the words of encouragement." Em smiled and nodded.

"See you next week Louis!"


Harry's POV

Harry carefully crawled into his bed after spending 3 more hours on his essay and having cereal for dinner.

He laid down and as soon as he shut his eyes an image of piercing blue eyes flooded his brain. He immediately sat up and frowned. He thought back to when he had seen those eyes.

He laid back down and thought of the boy he had accidentally tripped over. His features where soft yet mature at the same time. He was smaller than Harry but not by a lot. When he thought about it, the boy was very attractive.
Okay so this was kind of a filler sorry but  it was necessary to the story :)


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