Chapter || 06

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So that porn guy texted again

You call anyone else that other than yourself, I'll wack your head

Yoongied 🖕
So that porn guy texted again

Namjump 🕴️
*Sighs* what did he say?

Yoongied 🖕
That he was half sorry

Namjump 🕴️
He was what?

Yoongied 🖕
Ikr I acted cool but wtf! Half sorry?

Namjump 🕴️
Yeah. You don't even deserve a quarter

Yoongied 🖕
Stfu and listen to me. It bugs me you know

Yoongied 🖕
Wouldn't you ask what bugs me?

Namjump 🕴️
I'm listening to you, you bitch! OMG! Wtf! Should I report to you every time I breathe?!

Yoongied 🖕
No, but fart? Absolutely yes!

Namjump 🕴️
Why should I tell you when I'm about to fart?!

Yoongied 🖕
Dude, I hate when the hair in my nose fall off

Namjump 🕴️
What the—nevermind. I should've known. Now what the hell were you talking about?

Yoongied 🖕
Right, that porn guy! I don't like it when he treats me like that

Namjump 🕴️
I'm pretty sure he's treating you like that because you talked like an ass

Yoongied 🖕
For a second I read 'like your ass' and I was like 'what? My ass talks?' 😂😂😂

Namjump 🕴️
Look you blind ass motherfucker, I don't have time for this. If it bugs you so much, text him. Leave me alone

Yoongied 🖕
Jeez, ok fine

Namjump 🕴️
Btw, you have to shoot a video tomorrow

Yoongied 🖕
Ugh with who this time? Please be Taehyung!

Namjump 🕴️
Yeah yeah it's Taehyung. I always wanted to ask you this, are you and Tae a thing?

Yoongied 🖕
What? No lol! We're childhood best friends. He's one of the few people I can bare staying next to. And he's just comfortable to work with

Well I can't bare you or Taehyung

Yoongied 🖕
Still you are alive. That pretty much says it

Namjump 🕴️
I never understand how someone with principles like you and someone so feisty like Tae became pornstars *sighs*

Yoongied 🖕
We have our reasons ig

Namjump 🕴️
Yeah. Anyway. I'll see you both tomorrow. Sharp at 7

Yoongied 🖕
I'll be there blunt at 10

Namjump 🕴️
Bitch wtf!

Yoongied 🖕
What?! Seven, early. Ten, okay.

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