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Chapter 38: The Conniving Bitch

🍪Ellie's P.O.V

I was completely speechless, staring wide eye at a smirking Annie Martins.

We were in a room that was painted gray and was completely bare, only a chair was placed in the middle where Annie was sitting smugly on.

Rody and Drew was standing next to her and the expression on his face was completely wiped out, a blank look on his face.


"Are you surprise Ellie?" Annie smiled but it was far from friendly.

She then nodded to herself."Of course, you should be and everything that happened? It was all me." Annie's laugh echoing around the empty room.

I didn't know what to feel, it was mixed emotions and my thoughts were complete array.

Annie then hummed."It hurt like a bitch when Rody here stabbed me but oh well, if its for love then its worth it."

I felt my expression twist, all for love? Does that mean that she did this all for Alec? Turns out this girl is indeed a lunatic.

So much for actually thinking she would actually back off.

"From your expression, I can tell that you want to ask me why." She crossed her leg across the other.

When I didn't say anything, she nodded her head at David who took the cloth off. I let out a sound of disgust before glaring at her.

"You guessed wrong bitch. I want to beat the living shit out of you first," I seethed, pushing myself towards her only to be held down my David who placed a warning hand on my shoulder.

She let out a giggle,"Ah, You can't hurt me. I have the upper hand here Ellie." Annie explained, her tone smug.

I snorted."Obviously or else you'd already be on the floor holding your bloody nose. You should be thankful for them," I nodded my head towards her goons.

Annie's smirk wiped off, her eyes narrowing at me."Are you insinuating that I can't protect myself?" She glared at me.

I nodded."Absolutely. Why else would you bother with these guys then?" I smiled mockingly.

Annie looked like she wanted to lash out but she covered it up with a smile. Huh, seems like she isn't that dumb to take the bait.

"Why are you doing this?" I cut straight to the chase, resting my butt at the back of my legs.

Dang, kneeling sure hurts like heck and yet women could do this for what? Thirty minutes? An hour? Salute my fellow woman.

"Isn't it obvious? To rip you out of the picture and make Alec realize that I'm the one he wants." Annie answered, an odd glint in her gray eyes.

Back the motherfreaking truck up.


"The very fact that Alec didn't make a move on you when I wasn't in the picture yet should be a huge indicator that he doesn't want you." I replied honestly.

That seemed to rile Annie up and she stood up from her chair, her hands forming into tight fists at her side.

I ain't telling this to hurt her, she needs to get her head out of wattpad and realize that Alec doesn't want her.

"Shut up! Alec wants me. He just needs time to realize that," She reasoned out, earning a scoff from me.

Is this woman serious? Wait, could I even call her human for having a brain that seemed like the size of a peanut?

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