2)Teenage Tetris

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"Well, good morning warrior princess," Caleb chuckles as I walk across my lawn to his truck

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"Well, good morning warrior princess," Caleb chuckles as I walk across my lawn to his truck. "A bit more leather than usual, huh?"

As I open the passenger door, he gives my chosen look a closer once over. His forest green eyes travel from my long chocolate brown hair, pulled into a high ponytail, to my white tank top and leather jacket, and finally, my black leggings and leather knee-high boots.

Okay, so maybe it's a lot of leather. But I feel strong in it. Like someone who can look danger in the eye and no matter how hot that danger may be, yell "Screw off, asshole!"

Or I could just walk away. Not even bother to give him a second look.

Whichever works better.

"I was out of chainmail." I shrug before sliding in and shutting the door.

"Damn, I hate when that happens." He snaps his fingers, a boyish smile filling his face.

I attempt to smile back but it's strained. Nerves are already getting the best of me. My growling stomach can attest to that since I skipped breakfast, afraid I wouldn't be able to keep the soggy cereal down.

Caleb seems to understand my anxiety-driven behavior and drives off towards school.

He and Marcel are the only two with working cars. Ava has her license but her mom rarely ever lets her drive her BMW, so the guys take turns giving us rides back and forth to school. I don't want them to feel like they're obligated to drive us around, but they never complain. Hopefully, it won't be for much longer though. I've been saving every penny for the last two years, and when my eighteenth birthday hits soon, Mom said she'd match what I have so I can get a car of my own.

That day can't come soon enough.

"Rough night?" Caleb asks, finally breaking the silence.

I nod. "Worst sleep of my life."

No joke, I slept like shit. All night I tossed and turned. When I finally could fall asleep I'd have dreams of heated kisses and fingers leaving a trail of fire across my skin. I gave up around five in the morning, my body sticky with sweat and hair glued to my face. It wasn't a good look.

We stop at a red light and Caleb glances over, chewing on his bottom lip like he's thinking carefully on what to say next. "Bad dreams?"

"Something like that."

"Lex," he sighs as the light turns green. "If you need someone to talk to, you know I'm always here. Right?"

I drag my eyes from the window to look at him. His attention now on the road but his shoulders and neck are rigid with tension.

You're being selfish again, Lexi.

"Yeah." I nod. "And you can always talk to me too."

A small smile graces his lips but it's enough for me to know he got the message. Even if neither of us wants to take each other up on the offer, at least we know we can if we need to.

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