60. Place of Wishes

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I sat down in the seat of my desk and opened up an empty journal.

The biggest mistake that people make when training their bodies is that they forget to strengthen their minds and mentalities as well.

I could be the strongest person alive, but if a mind-controlling man told me to kill myself, it would defeat the whole purpose of everything.


What was the best way to grow strong...?

"I brought you some lemonade, Lia...Are you alright today?" the prince, Florence, purred me as he looped his arms around my waist from behind.

I slapped his arm out of the way.

"Back off. I'm trying to work on...stuff," I sighed as I closed the journal and turned around to look at him.

"You keep working nowadays...When is the last time my lovely little fiance spent some quality time with me?" Florence chuckled as he picked me up from my seat and tossed me onto my bed.

Florence took a seat on my bed as well and gave me a childish grin that was bright enough to be worthy of a prince's smile.

Luckily, unlike when I was little and his smiles could purify my soul, my soul was now so dirty and dark that no matter how bright Florence's smile was, he would never be able to purify me!

"Stop it! You're being a nuisance," I said loudly with a groan as I tried to push Florence's face away from mine.

But instead of doing as I asked, Florence pinned down the arm that I was pushing him away with onto the bed and held it above my head as he moved his body over mine.

"Haha...Doesn't this seem a bit familiar, Lia~?" Florence asked me with a singsong voice as he bumped his forehead onto mine with his eyes staring straight into mine.

"Yes. It does. I wonder why. Maybe it's because you literally do this every time  you're alone in a room with me," I said sarcastically in a monotonous tone.

"Aww...You're too cold nowadays...Perhaps, you've finally grown used to my antics?" Florence asked me with a soft teasing smile on his face.

"Yeah, maybe. Anyway, can you get off of me now? I still have a lot of work to do and...uh...you're kind of really getting in the way," I said with irritation as I attempted to break free from his iron grip.

Darn...his grip actually was, regrettably, incredibly strong.

No matter how hard I attempted to break free, there was no chance that I'd be able to escape.

One day...I'll become so strong that Florence would have to risk losing a few of his limbs trying to pin me down.

And I'll be able to boss him around to do my bidding!


"Why are you chuckling so much, Lia?" Florence whispered straight into my right ear.

I jolted in surprise.

"W-Woah there. Back up a little, prince. You're getting a tad bit too close," I said as I tried to turn my head in a way where Florence's lips wouldn't be near, but it was useless.

"Don't think about other things when I'm next to you...Please?" Florence asked me quietly as he suddenly launched a surprise attack that I was not ready for.

Puppy eyes.

Florence, the prideful sadistic prince, suddenly gave me the most pitiful precious little puppy face that looked so terribly hurt and sad that the tiny little part of me that still held some affection for cute things wanted to smother him in cuddles and love.

Another Life, Another MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ