Chapter 47

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By 4:30am my eyes are wide open, and no matter how much I toss and turn I know that there's no going back to sleep. I'm not sure if it's the jet lag or the nerves, but it looks like my day is starting now whether I like it or not. I turn to my other side in an attempt to get comfortable when I hear a groan beside me.

"Mmm... what time is it?" Harry asks, his morning voice husky. I think Harry first thing in the morning might be my favorite Harry. He always looks young and boyish, but his voice is always sexy as hell.

"4:45," I respond, checking my phone, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Have I really only been awake for fifteen minutes?

"No, you didn't," Harry hums. He wraps his arm around me, pulling my back to his chest before running his hand up and down my arm, placing a soft kiss on my bare shoulder. "I was going to get up in a few minutes anyways to run. Why are you up so early?"

"Jetlag... stress."

"I know that I'm no Shaun, but do you maybe want to go on my run with me? It might help clear your head," Harry suggests, "Or we can just lay here and I'll stay home, whatever you want."

He's right, if I was at home I would have called Shaun, asked if we could squeeze in an early morning session. Working out has always been an outlet for me, and even though the idea of getting out of this warm bed sounds nearly impossible, I know that my body is buzzing too much to lay down for hours. "A run would be nice."

I try my best to pace myself to Harry, focusing on my breath as my feet hit the pavement. I used to hate running with other people, but right now the body beside me is comforting. Training for this role has made running much easier than it ever has been before, and I feel strong as my legs carry me through the town.

There's hardly anybody milling around this early, only businessmen and shop owners, none of which pay us any mind. Back in LA I could only dream of running in public without being photographed, and it makes me love London even more. I take note of the stores we pass, my playlist acting as background music in my ears. Harry has his headphones in too, both of us getting lost in our own worlds.

I follow his lead as we turn back onto a dirt path, slightly muddy from the constant rain. My legs are finally beginning to ache in the best way, and I decide to push myself a little bit harder, running a few paces ahead of Harry.

It only takes him a moment for him to catch up, matching my speed long enough to nudge me before he presses on ahead of me. I know exactly what he's doing, so I move my legs even faster to try and at least match him. Just as I come up on his left, the house comes back into view. Harry gives me a glance when he hears me coming and starts running even faster.

I break into a full on sprint, surpassing him just before the gate to the house. My legs burn as I push myself, knowing I started this little race and I'm going to end it too. I take in a deep breath, trying to get enough oxygen to my legs in order to get me through the last few strides, feeling Harry sneak up on me.

Just as I think I might have it, two arms wrap around me, pulling my feet off the ground. I kick my legs, but I'm too exhausted to protest fully as Harry carries me a few steps. "Alright there, love. Take it easy," Harry pants.

Harry collapses us onto the grass, and I lay next to him looking up at the gray sky while I fight for breath. "I totally had that," I complain, envisioning how close I was to the gate.

"No you didn't. I caught up to you," Harry counters, "I would have easily passed you." I turn my head to look at him, watching his chest rise and fall heavily.

"I think you knew losing would bruise your fragile male ego too much so you took us both out of the race," I challenge, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Me? A fragile ego? I just didn't want you to feel bad, the effort was cute though," He responds sassily. I scoff at him, rolling my eyes as I turn my head back up to the sky. "That really was nice though. We should run together more often," Harry says more genuinely.

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